Chapter 2

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Jenny got on to the boat that was supposed to lead her to the new island it was very big almost the size of a yacht with sleek sliver paint and golden rails it was a beautiful boat for sure . She lifted her two dark blue suitcases and boarded the boat.

I sat on the one the couches on the shade of the boat next to the rails as it sped past the city my flight took me two . I think I was in somewhere in California . I looked into the river seeing my own reflection in the moonlight . When I Got accept to be on the new season I got many " Can you shoutout me please" and many "You'll get out first anyways" but I really don't plan on doing any of those things. One thing I remember though is how Grace acted

" Say hi for them for me oh ask the follow my instagram please!?" She asked batting her heavy eyelashes at me trying to look sincere

I have seen Grace treat her makeup brushes better than some people I'd didnt really take her seriously. A few days ago there was farewell party at my house the whole neighborhood showed up even my math teacher did. Grace showed up wearing a tight purple dress complete with ribbons that trailed down to her feet.Everyome else was acting like my best friend it's very funny how people will look at you once they want something from you

They're almost never discret about it. My sister Fareye came all the way from London just to see me off. Feyre is the oldest child in my family and maybe the most beautiful. Her flaming red hair perfectly symmetrical face and deepest green eyes that looked like a bright forset it was no surprise when she picked for a modeling competition in London for their new line .she was loved by almost everyone in her presence accept those who were jealous of her or hated her. She had may friends but just as many enemies. She was the only person who didn't ask about the prize money.

The boat suddenly comes to a stop. As we approach what seems to be a very tropical looking island but as island comes closer into view i see mountains? . I almost stand up to see it better as the sun rises behind me lighting up the sky and almost blinding me . We finally pull to a stop I get off . At first I see Some of the old campers Heather , Gwen , Duncan , Courtney , Bridgette , AJ, ,Tyler , Lindsay , Noah , Sierra , Cody and Alejandro and Katie without Sadie . I also spotted Zoey , Cameron , Lightning and Joe and the Really tall Australasian girl and the zombie guy.and Chris and one new guy . The new guy had Dark curls on his head very green eyes and he was wearing glassesx and sport attire.

" She's a champion at everything she tries and is crazy rich but she may be a bit of brat introducing are final camper Jenny."Chris says loudly

" There is no way she's a champion at everything How many times did you win honour roll newbie probably not all lot" Courtney asked

" Someone sounds jelous." I hear Noah mutter to Cody

"She got it eight times I'm pretty sure" Sireaa chirps enthusiastically

My eyes slightly narrow at this but I fix it quickly " Only eight I got every time" She cheers in triumph

" Eight times this semester" Sierra adds Courtney deflates a little bit.

" H-how is this even possible though" Cameron says nervously

" Hi guys I'm Jenny nice to meet you all" I say

They look me up and down I decided to wear a plain white tee shirt and some green cargo pants since Chris said we had to pick on look so fans regonize us later and this is good outfit choice.

" Hey girl" Leshawna says breaking the silence. I wave at her pulling my suit case behind me .

The rest follow after her lead

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