New bonds and old ties

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Noah's view 

After Tyler's elimination we all head back to get dinner and sleep I head over to the hotel ,which is the size of of really big Victorian houses but with modern futures . Inside the floors are sleek marble white and the walls are covered in glittering paintings most of them are Chris in various poses. Chris gives us a little tour of the hotel the Spa and the gaming room were popular destinations They're was even a little swimming pool in the back yard along with shiny new furniture. For dinner we had the some nice food and a even serves us some wine. I wonder how this show could afford all this ? Probably super sketchy but I don't really care we still have to share rooms but after spending years on crappy reality shows I know this is really the best it would get.

I hear Lighting humming in the bathroom.

" How's the greatest?" He says to himself in the mirror smiling smugly

" Sha Lighting is!" He spits out his toothpaste. I roll my eyes I have a kindergartener on my team hurray. Speaking of sKindergarteners I see Cody eating a bunch of Candy and Soada like he didn't have enough from before. I can't see Ducan or DJ right now so I figured they must be in downstairs.

" Hi Noah" Cody says his voice muffled from chewing

" Hey" I say turning on the lamp to see better

" New season huh?" He says kind of distantly his brown eyes look more than a little distracted " Who do you think will win" he asks

" Me obviously" I say sarcastically but he starts laughing I laugh a little too.

" I don't know maybe Courtney will finally get her long lusted for win" I replied opening my book

" What about the Newbies" he ask a little nervously. I look at him why would he be nervous?

" Do you have a crush on the new girl or something" I ask him this wouldn't be the first time he had a crush on somebody

. Plus that Jenny girl is definitely prettier than Gwen. She seems nice enough very athletic and an obvious overachiever hopefully she doesn't turn out to be a another Courtney. I do have admit she picked a really Werid team does was that stragteic or just a random choice?

" What No I don't even no the girl plus she looks like she would have a boyfriend back home right?" He says

" Plus I don't want to fall for someone who's likes someone else you know" He gets up to throw his garbage " How's your girlfriend doing Emma?" I internally groan So far Zoe, Betsy and Sierra and even Lindsay asked me about Emma. The thing was it was really just an in game fling she was nice she was always talking about her ex boyfriend " Oh Mike or whatever his generic name was used to talk to the library" or it was " Mike always remembered my drink"

So after she headed back to law school we said we would take a break but we both know it was a breakup.

" We kind of broke up" I say

" Oh Sorry man that sucks"he says

" At least I don't have a stalker following me around" I say

" Sierra!" He flinched " Did you see her anywhere?" He almost looks terrified. Tragic

Heather appears in the room " Why are you guys taking about Sierra. That girl is a serious creep maybe Stupid Courtney should get her layer and get a restraining order against her" she says

" Umm why are you here? This isn't the girls room unless you count Cody as a girl?" I hear him say Hey

" Well I was looking for Something but that's none of your business bye geeks" She leaves the room slamming the door behind her Lightning still isn't out of the bathroom yet.

" Heather always the dainty little princess" I say

" More like a Dirty little demon" Cody mutters his eyelid's dropping

I close the lamp as Cody falls asleep and go out of the room trying to find something to do? It's Werid that why have no lights out obviously we are all adults now but most of these guys are like children they'll eat to much and fall asleep like Somebody or they will be awake all night. I go to the Den area and scan through they're book selection

" Hi Noah" I hear a voice say it's probably a girl I turn around expecting to see Zoey but I turn and see Jenny staring me down

"Hi Jenny" I say in a monotone tone

" You like books?" I ask her she nods looking at the floor I hand her a copy of what looks to be a decent thriller novel

" You are smart Didnt you work at computer company when you where six?"she asked it will always Werid my out by how much random strangers know about me Guess this is the Celebrity life is

" Please don't tell me your another super fan" I ask her

She stops looks at me than suddenly laughs out loud I'm a real comedian today. Now Jenny being real shady she has no real reason to talk to me she either wants something or knows something "Cut to the chase what do you want?. She gets up and beacons for me to follow her we move down to the Kicthen.

" Well since you wanted me to cut to the chase I want to have an alliance" she says bluntly her hazel eyes look very unamused

"why would I make an alliance with you?" I say

" Well your not very athletic or charismatic you say a lot of snarky things to people it's only a matter of time before you get eliminated" she says all of this very very professionally

" Well that's rude aren't you supposed to sugar coat your true intentions a little" I say frankly the things Jenny said are all very true and don't really bother me what bothers me is how she said it tracing away from the subject, no sugar coating , it makes me suspicious but I don't show it

" You would probably see right through me If you ally yourself with me I will take you to the top and split the prize money" she says

" Even if you did have the skills to do that how do I know you wouldn't just lie and run with the money" I ask No one every wants to share things especially large sums of cash.

"You don't alliances are built on trust if you don't have any trust in an alliance you have no alliance" she says

" Well I guess that's true fine I'll bite" I put me hand out for her to shake she does handshake is very light I heard something about something about handshakes before I can't put my finger on it thought.

" It's a deal" she says smiling softly.Her face is barley visible in the slow light but I can see how shiny her teeth are.

I still don't trust her at all . I smile back hoping the slow lights can hide my deceit.

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