First dates are always difficult

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In the morning the girls' room is in complete chaos. I hear them before I see what sounds like Heather and Courtney yelling over bathing times . I put my pillow over my head but something smells strange. I sniff the air. It smells like Burnt hair? Slowly I get up out of bed and see Lindsay straightening her hair using the plug next to my bed. I nodded good morning to her as I passed. I see Izzy running out still in her pajamas laughing like a maniac. Sierra humming a song about Cody while braiding her hair. I once heard she dyed her hair purple because it was the same color as Cody's bruise. I shiver internally . He should seriously consider a restraining order against her. Hmm maybe that's not a bad idea I save the thought for now. Bridgette is the only one who says Good morning to me . Dawn was nowhere to be seen so I guessed she was already downstairs.

I knock on the bathroom door door " Hello are you done in there" I ask.

Heather groans in frustration " Can you shut it Courtney my hair is more important than your crusty teeth" she says.

I turn to see Lindsay standing behind me " She a real diva isn't she" I say jokingly.

She nods " Yup Heather doesn't like people to interrupted her mornings" she says then she finally emerges out of the bathroom

" The queen has arrived " I say very loudly I hear I few snickers

Heather rolls her eyes " Shut it newbie" she looks down at me even though we're the same height " You'll be gone before lunch" she smiles cruelly and walks away.

We'll see how's gone by the end of this Heather.

After another amazing breakfast we head inside a big studio set up next to the lake for our first challenge . Luckily I already know today's challenge will be thanks to a little sneaking around on Noah's part .

I already know who I want going home tonight so that's why I put a munch of cashews into Beth's breakfast. The only thing Elizabeth Lauren Heren is allergic to.

No one suspected anything when Beth said she was sick after eating breakfast because of Chef's abdominal cooking skills. They said Alejandro was a smart player, his ego was his biggest weakness and it became his doom. He announced everything on Camera he made everyone know he was the enemy.

Chris turns to face us " Welcome Camper to your next challenge this one's called YOUR WORST DATE EVER two campers from opposing teams will go have a series of meals together first camper to leave or start fighting with their partners loses. The team will the most people left will win" he says smiling

" Do we pick our partners" Sierra asks looking at Cody

" That wouldn't be fun again. What little arranged dinners would be without drama. I picked your Partners" he says Everyone groans at the same time. I switched up some names just to ensure Beth's goodbye.

" Jenny and Lighting" Chris says first I hear Lighting say " Who"

" Beth and Justin" Beth squeals like a lovesick little girl and Justin sighs

" Heather and Sam" Heather mumbles about him being a dork

" Courtney and DUNCAN" that one gets some gasps

" Dawn and Geoff "

" Alejandro and Bridgette

" Cody and Sierra

Gwen and Noah

" Jo and Aj

" Cameron and Izzy

" Oz and Zoe"

The rest get to help chef in the kitchen

No one really looks happy with they're parnthers

We all go sit down I sit in the table way in the back so I can see everyone Lighting starts talking about himself how amazing he is and whatnot I smile and nod mostly tuning him out . I see Bridgette recoil in disgust as Alejandro smiles at her with his beautiful eyes. She mostly ignores him and throws longing looks at Geoff maybe there is something called true love but whatever fate has decided for me I have to defie it. Every other table is pretty uneventful except of course for Duncan's table .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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