Creepy sadness

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Roxy's POV

I was in my room helping Cassie take her makeup off when Moon walked by my window.

He was probably going back to the daycare after finishing his security rounds.

I quickly finished up with Cassie, put her to bed, then ran to follow Moon.

Why? Because I had a suspicion that Sun and him had something between them, and they always denied it, so? I'm getting proof.

And you might say 'isn't that an invasion of privacy?' And what I say to that?

I'm just calling out lovey dovey liars.

Anyway, I follow Moon back to the daycare and peek in through the door.

And what I saw was both what I wanted, and what I never thought I'd see in any CHILDREN'S robot...

Moon walks over, says his greeting to Sun who is checking the daycare security cams, Sun then stands up, puts his hand under Moon's chin.

Then they do the motion for kissing, but the mouths on their screen's disappear as their chins open into MOUTHS???? WITH SHARP ASS TEETH????

Why do they have those???? They are for CHILDREN!! Not a haunted house!!

I run back to my room, and close the door, trying to process what I just saw...

My head just started spewing so many questions my head started to hurt.

'Why do they have those??' 'Why do they need those??' 'IS THIS A JOKE???'

I make sure Cassie is still sleeping before laying down and going into sleeping mode myself.

The next day, I leave my room, run down to the daycare and barge in.

"SUN! I NEED to talk." I say to him, probably looking like I just saw something that made me shit myself.

"Uhhh... y-yea?"
"Open your mouth."
"Ok?" He then opens the one on his screen.
"No the other one."

He seemed completely taken aback by that.

"How do you know about that?..." I thought of a likely scenario quickly.
"I-I saw it on your blueprint."

Next thing I know he's shoving me out of the daycare doors.

"No! Not until you show me that creepy ass cripit mouth of yours!"
"Leave, Roxy. I don't wanna talk about it."
"Well I do!"
"And I don't CARE!" He said as his toothy jaws snap at me, I scream and jump back.

He seems to get upset in both a mad and sad way.

I hear the door crack slightly under his claw, then he slams the door in my face after saying 'THAT'S WHY!"

I just stand there.

'What should I do?' 'Should I go apologize?'

I'm not sure what to do.

I make my way back to my room, a bit of guilt hitting me, a feeling I haven't felt in a bit.

'He seemed genuinely upset to...' is the best words my head could come up with.

I need to talk to him tomorrow...

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