The vows we take

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18 years ago:

"I Misty, take Farah Dowling to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day and all eternity forward, until death parts us, with my solemn vow and this ring, our bond is complete and can never be broken," I said my wedding vows from memory before slipping the ring on Farah's finger, my mother and father wasn't happy about mine and Farah's relationship, and would be completely against us getting married, even Rosalind was trying everything she could think of to come between us, however Farah had come up with the idea that we should get married in secret, not just any marriage, an unbreakable marriage, a marriage bound by Magic.

We are getting married in secret, only Ben, Rose and Saul attended our secret wedding, we didn't even tell Andrea, the reason being for how close he was to Rosalind and would do anything to win points with her, including informing her of our plans to get married in secret, so we couldn't trust him not to say anything and have her try to stop the wedding.

"Am so happy, my love, because no one can ever come between us now," Farah says as we slowed danced to one of our favourite songs named "Million years ago, by Adele.

"I'm happy as well my love, though I worry what will happen when everyone finds out that we are married," I tell her, thinking about my parents' fret.

"What can they do Misty? We are married now, an unbreakable marriage that even the queen herself cannot tear us apart, besides it's our life not theirs and I refuse to let everyone tell me how to live it or whom I should be with, we are together now, that's all that matters," Farah tells me as we carry on dancing.

Two years later: after the events of Aster Dell:

"Farah, we don't deserve to be happy, not after everything that has happened, I mean we almost killed Rosalind," I tell Farah, feeling like my whole world was closing in around me.

"Misty, Rosalind manipulated us, she manipulated everyone, yes, it is unfortunate what happened, but we didn't kill her, she is still alive," Farah tried to reassure me.

"And locking her up like an animal underneath the school is better?" I asked with tears falling down my face, am not crying for Rosalind, I'm crying for all those innocent people we killed because of Rosalind.

"At least she isn't out there, she is the one who is responsible for the destruction of the village of Aster Dell," Farah says taking my hands in hers, "I understand how your feeling, because am feeling exactly the same way as you, we must try and let go of our guilt, try to move forward with our lives, help to heal the six realms after a long war with the burned ones, because as much as we want we cannot change what happened, we cannot bring them back to life," Farah says with tears running down her face as well.

"No Fa bear, we don't deserve to be happy, we might not be able to change what happened, but we've could of stopped it from happening, if we hadn't been too afraid to question Rosalind, too afraid to stand up to her," I pull my hands out of Farah's, walking towards the door, "no matter what happens, I will love you forever and you will always be my wife, I just don't know how we can move past this,, move past killing all these innocent people, almost killing Rosalind," I said opening the front door.

"You didn't kill her," were the last words I heard Farah speaking, before closing the door behind me.

Present day: Los Angeles: 16 years later.

My eyes open suddenly, something had woken me from my sleep, though I wasn't sure what, unsure what was happening I took in my surroundings, I'm lying on my side with my girlfriend Sharon Raydor asleep spooning me from behind with her arm around me, using my magic I searched Sharon's condo, the only people I could sense were Sharon and Rusty, both were asleep, no one else was inside the condo.

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