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Misty pov:


Walking into the front office of Alfea school, I saw a young man sitting behind the desk, whom I'd have never seen before.

"May I help you?" he asked me.

"Am looking for Farah Dowling," I tell him, as I look in the direction of her closed office door on the upper level.

"Do you have an appointment?" he asked while opening a black book, flicking through the pages, my guess that's Farah's appointment book, in this moment I felt proud of my wife.

"I didn't realise I needed to make an appointment to speak with my wife," I said sarcastically, I kind of felt sorry for this guy.

"I didn't know Miss Dowling was married," he says with an arch eyebrow.

"Well, she is and it's Mrs not Miss, now if you don't mind, I would really like to see my wife," seriously who the hell was this guy?

"Mrs Dowling as requested not to be disturbed under any circumstances," He informed me, and just as I was about to ignore him and walked straight into my wife's new office, the door to the upper office opened and there stood Farah my beautiful wife.

"It's alright Callum, please keep in mind that in the future you are allowed to disturb me if it's my wife asking," Farah informs him.

"Yes Mrs Dowling," Callum says giving her a nod.

"Am sorry darling, I wasn't expecting you back today, I thought you were due back next weekend," Farah says as she walked down the steps towards me, taking my overnight bag off my shoulder.

"Last minute change of plans, thought I would surprise you," I said as Farah gestures for me to follow her, we leave the office together, that little show was just for Callum as Farah, and I haven't spoken since I walked out of the door four and half months ago, as we walk side by side, I hesitated for a second before taking Farah's hand in mine, only to have Farah pull her hand away.

" Farah?" I asked as Farah didn't seem upset with me; she had even looked pleased to see me, at least I thought she had looked pleased.

"I'm the headmistress of Alfea now, as much as I love to, I cannot walk around holding hands with you inside the school anymore," Farah explains to me, I hadn't thought of that, we use to walk around holding hands all the time, so I hadn't given it much thought, if anything all I have thought about was holding Farah's hand again over the last four and half months.

"Is that also the reason why that Callum person didn't know you were married?" I ask her as we make our way through the school, feeling a little upset about that fact, even though, I guess I didn't really have the right to be upset, since I was the one who walked out of her and our marriage.

"Why should I tell him? He is my assistant; he doesn't need to know about my personal life, beside the less people who know am married, the less questions there are as to why my wife isn't by my side," Farah says as we walk out of the school and around the building to where Farah has parked her car, throwing my bag into the back seat, then handing me the keys.

"You're not coming?" I asked looking at the keys in my hand.

"I have a class to teach in about five minutes, we can talk tonight, just unpack your things, no need to worry about picking me up later I'll will ask Saul to drop me home," Farah says in a cold sounding tone of voice.

"Am I unpacking in our bedroom or the spare bedroom?" I ask her, as I didn't want to presume anything.

"Our bedroom, I have to go, see you tonight," Farah says looking around before giving me a little kiss on the lips, "god I have missed you," I had been expecting Farah to be angry with me for leaving, to say I was over the moon that she wasn't, made me extremely happy.

"I missed you, how about I cook dinner tonight?" I asked her as it looked like she hadn't been eating very well.

"Sounds good to me, see you in a couple of hours," Farah says giving me one last kiss then walking back towards the school building.

Three hours later:

I heard voices as I took out the chicken from the oven, placing the chicken down on the side, I make my way out of the kitchen, Farah and Saul were standing in the living area talking, I smile at Saul happy to see him.

"Saul?" I said with a smile, going over to give him a hug, he hugged me back, "it's so good to see you my friend," I said stepping out of his arms.

"You as well Misty, you look well," Saul says with a friendly smile on his face.

"Thanks, you look good as well, would you like to stay for dinner? I made enough," I asked him not wanting to be rude, I had hope it would just be me and Farah since we needed to talk, however it could wait until Saul leaves, I guess as it was really good seeing him again after all these months.

"I would love too; however, I must get home to Sky," Saul tells me, I was shocked to say the least.

"Sky? As in Andreas's son Sky?" I asked him, not quite sure what was happening.

"We all have our ways of trying to overcome our guilt after Aster Dell, taking in and looking after Andrea's son is my way," Saul informed me.

"You're a good man Saul Silva," I knew what killing Andrea had done to Saul, the guilt had almost destroyed him.

"And you're a good woman Misty, am glad your back," I wanted to tell him I was only back for the weekend, however I felt Farah deserved to know before anyone else, "I will leave you two alone, Farah, I will see you on Monday," Saul said before leaving.

"Alone at last," I barely had time to get the words out before Farah run at me, wrapping her arms around me, "I missed you as well," I said wrapping my arms around Farah, holding her tightly as I inhale her scent, this was going to be alot harder than I thought.

"Am not angry or upset with you, please know that I understand your reasons for leaving now! I didn't at the time, but you were right we don't deserve to be happy, but we must find a way to move on with our lives and be happy, otherwise Rosalind wins," Farah says nuzzling my cheek.

"that's why I came back Farah, I still feel extremely guilty about all those innocent lives lost at Aster Dell, I also feel incredibly guilty leaving the way I did, am your wife, I should be helping you through your guilt, not just dwelling on my own guilt." I tell Farah, holding Farah closer.

"Am so happy to hear that my darling, you can help me rebuild the school, I want to teach the next generation differently, so that an event like Aster Dell will never happen again, that the next generation will be better, do better, will you help me my love?" Farah asked me as she stroked my back.

"Farah, you've going to be an amazing headmistress, the students are lucky to have you," I pull back slightly so that I could look into Farah's warm eyes, "I joined the police in the first world, I plan to stay with the police for a-while, however I had missed you like crazy, that's why I came back, I hope's we could,,, am not really sure what, all I know is I love you Fa bear and want our marriage to work," with that said Farah pulled out of my arms.

"I want our marriage to work as well, however we both still carry so much guilt over Aster Dell, if working for the police in the first world will help you with your guilt, then we will come up with a way that works for us both, without losing one another," Farah says with a very soft smile, giving my heart hope.

End Flashback:

As we share a smile, I reach my hand toward Sharon's slowly moving a lock of her hair behind her ear, before placing my hand gently on her cheek.

"Nothing has to change between us, I still love you," Sharon tried to reassure me, oh how wrong Sharon was, everything was able to change and not just between us.

"Let me get you that water," I said walking back inside, thinking to myself that I still need to tell Sharon, I might need to leave to return to Alfea, as I need to know what has caused those magical shifts that I keep feeling, all I know right now is that whatever was behind them, was very powerful.

To Be Continued:

Next chapter is going to be from Farah PoV: i hope you enjoyed this chapter, until next time R&R xxx

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