Sixteen years of guilt

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Farah's PoV:

I stood in the middle of the field, feeling overwhelmed with emotions as I looked at all the dead burned ones that Bloom had just killed, still not quite believing that Bloom has transformed.

I heard footsteps approaching, it was Saul and the other specialists, Saul tells me there is no sign of Rosalind, I know we haven't seen the last of her, Rosalind hasn't finished with Bloom, because after just one night with Rosalind, Bloom was able to unlock ancient fairy magic, she had also told Bloom that the settlers of Aster Dell weren't innocent civilians, they were blood witches, we have all been carrying around the guilt of Aster Dell for sixteen years, when we have nothing to feel guilty about, especially if they've truly were blood witches.

The moment I told Saul, I saw the relieved look on his face, I felt him let go of his guilt in that very moment, then I felt more guilt hit him, knowing he had killed Andrea for no reason, his guilt was worst then before, Saul walked away without another word, I knew he needed time by himself, to get his head around this new information, I felt so sorry for Saul, I felt sorry for all of us.

Looking back at the bodies, knowing Rosalind's was still out there somewhere, I needed to come up with a plan and fast, I needed to protect Bloom at all costs, I needed my wife back by my side, we had made a deal sixteen years ago, that she would come back to me in twenty years, that we wouldn't contact each other until then, though right now I do not care about our deal, Misty has a right to know that the civilians of Aster Dell were blood witches, with that thought I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach, Misty left because of her guilt, left me, when she had nothing to feel guilty about, all these years wasted, when we could of been together, could have been happy, maybe even had children, we could of started a family.

Had that been a part of Rosalind's plan? to hold back that information from us, in hopes of tearing us apart? For the first time since Aster Dell, I wish we had killed Rosalind, because if that was truly her plan than it worked perfectly, not for much longer, I'm going to bring my wife back, I was going to bring her back home tonight, I wasn't going to wait another four years to have my wife back by my side.

I know I should go back to the school, to check on everyone, to make sure everything is alright, help with the injured, however I have given the last sixteen years to that school and everyone in it, never asking for a damn thing in return, right now I'm asking for some time to myself, so I could contact my wife, not caring if I was being selfish.

I knew I couldn't go to the first world myself, I was needed here, especially with Rosalind out there somewhere, I quickly come up with an idea, as I have no idea where in the first world Misty is.

I made my way to the stone circle, placing my hands palms down on either side of the Vessel, I inhale deeply as I connect my magic to all the elements, it's a good thing that Misty and I are both mind fairies, and with our unbreakable marriage means we will always share a strong connection, because of that connection we share, means making contacting Misty through magic much easier.

I felt my magic starting to tingle while feeling myself becoming weightless, being aware of my surrounding, I knew my astro form was no longer at the stone circle, I was somewhere completely unfamiliar, slowly opening my eyes, I stood in darkness, the only light in the room was coming from outside, it looked as if I was standing in the middle of a living area, there was a sofa, chairs, a TV, coffee table, was this where Misty lived, my Misty? I looked around the room, I picked up a photo off an end table by the sofa, it was a photo of Misty, along with another woman with what looked like red maybe brown hair, I couldn't really tell in this light, they were with a boy that looked no older then sixteen, getting a bad feeling about this, I placed the photo back down on the end table, ready to leave, I would come back tomorrow without magic, I look around to try and  find something with an address on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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