The decisions we make.

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Misty PoV:

I returned Sharon's kiss, while trying my hardest not to deepen our kiss, breaking our kiss I rested our forehead together as I reach for Sharon's hand that was still touching my wedding rings that hung around my neck.

"Relationship?" I asked leaning my head backwards wanting to look into those beautiful green eyes of her, those eyes of her were even more beautiful with the moon light shining on them.

"We have been sleeping together for two years, we are way past the friends with benefits stage, I would say we have been dating don't you agree?" Sharon asked me, I knew she was right of course, I just didn't want to give her any kind of false hope, these last two years sleeping with Sharon, being with Sharon have been wonderful, we have had some really good times together, I never once image she would finally ask Jack for a divorce, especially for me, I don't want her to divorce Jack for me, I want her to divorce Jack for herself.

Why we were both still married I could keep lying to myself that we were just friends who just happen to be sleeping together, I knew I couldn't keep the truth from her any longer, I had to tell Sharon the truth about me, about my married to Farah, I couldn't no longer put it off, as I would have to leave her and Rusty in four years anyway, I had only really started this arrangement with Sharon to stop myself from being lonely as I was missing Farah that it hurt.

"Of course, I agree, it's just that while we were both still married, I could keep pretending that we were still friends who enjoy sleeping together, nothing more, I could tell myself that I hadn't fallen in love with you, that we hadn't fallen in love because I know you love me, I see it in your eyes every time you look at me, I can see it in your eyes now," I explain to her, I was going to add more when I felt another magical shift in the air, stronger that time, at least I think it was stronger, I had been asleep when the first shift happened, that shift had been strong enough to wake me, this shift however felt strong enough to knock me on my arse.

"That is exactly why I can no longer stay married to Jack, because of my love for you, I'm not asking you to divorce Farah, that decision is entirely up to you, like it was my decision to finally divorce Jack, as much as I hate Jack for what he has put me and the children through over the years, this was still a hard decision to make, mostly because of my religious beliefs," Sharon pauses for a moment looking out at the city lights of L.A, "You hardly talk about you've and Farah married, I had hope you would have told me at some point, as I have no idea what happened between the two of you, I would like to know, to try and understand, if you don't want to tell me that's fine, I know you still care for her, maybe even still love her, I also know you love me and there is nothing that says you can't love two people at the same time," Sharon says with sadness in her voice, sadness put there because of me, the truth was I did love Sharon and cared deeply for her, unfortunately I wasn't in love with her and can never be in love with her, not that wasn't true I had fallen in love with Sharon.

It's doesn't matter as I'm still very much in love Farah, I will never stopped loving her, there are times I wished I had never left Alfea, never left Farah, after I had left and came to the first world, within a month I decide to join the police force in an attempt, to try and do some good and save innocents lives, to help people, to make-up for the part I played at Aster Dell, after signing up for the police, there was a lot to learn, however it came easy to me, having magic helped, helping to fast track my career, my first weekend off from the police academy, I decide to return home to Alfea on a Friday to see Farah, as we hadn't seen or spoken to each other since I left, we spend an amazing weekend together, we even talked about the possibility of me returning to Alfea on weekends and when I had holidays and time off.

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