chapter 2 (secret)

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The room filled with silence as cobbs stared into the mirror. He couldn't belive what he was seeing. Maybe takeing a vaccine that wasint properly tested wasint a good idea...

After a few long minutes of unbearable silence cobbs finally spoke.


He turned to beaker before yelling.


"...No theres not" beaker said nervously


"I dont know what to tell you! This was made two weeks ago and we just relised this was happening."

Cobbs groaned unknowing what to do. What would happen if the public got word of this!? He would be ruined.

"...ok. ok i know exactly what to do!" He said before locking the door. "...we keep this secret."

His employees looked shocked. How is he supposed to do that!?

"Um sir?" Mepad started "theres no way we can hide something this severe!"

"Oh yes we can. No one has to know"

"But sir thats impossible!" Beaker said before he got shushed.

"Up up up! Dont tell me how to do my job. Your top priority now should be makeing a cure not criticizing me"

"But sir-"

"Enough. This isint up for debate. No one will know. Not even the other staff. What ever happened in this room stays in this room got it?"

"Now hold on a moment!" Four said "why should we? Isint this a crime!?

"Well for one im your boss and two if you even think about telling anyone your memory will be erased"

"Oh...thats a good point ill shut up now" four backed away wile saying that as the rest of the docters stayed as quite as mice.

"No objections? Good. Now you seven get back to work. Ill be in my office dont bother me" once he said that he rushed them out of his office and shut the door. As beaker went back to the scientist lab the six docters went back to there office panicing.

"So...what now?" X said breaking the silence

"What now? WHAT NOW!? everything is now! This is horrible! Who knows what kind of thinks people ESPECIALLY children could turn into! Like guns,bombs,black holes and...."

Mepad went on this rant as the rest just stared in shock execpt toilet. He was looking at the schedule.

"Uh mepad?-"


"...Uh. the first patient should be here any minute now"

"Oh..." he took a deep breathe "send them in.

Toilet left the room

"Ok so...we just have to do what the corn man said! big deal..." two said

"Yeah! Well be fiine. Hm. But knowing those kids maybe not" x said before mepad turned to him.

"You...know these kids?"

"Most of them yeah! The three of us baby sat them when we were in med school for some extra money."

"That sounds like hell." Mephone said before getting elbowed in the arm.

"Anyways...if what your saying is true then...this might be harder then i thought"

"Yeah not to mention the parents! There roofless" four and two nodded in agree ment wich only worried mepad more.

Mepad was going to speak again but was interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open.

"Ok mepad...i got them"

They all turned to face them but somthing was

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They all turned to face them but somthing was....diffrent

To be continued...

(Ok this chapter is done! Yaaaaay. This is where things get interesting. We will see our first patent tissues! But for now thats all u get. Byeee :>)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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