I would never bother you

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Its been over a year now since Luke slipped. Over a year since he's lying on the hospital bed in coma. Over a year since Luke gave up on life and everyone gave up on him.

Luke's pov.
I remember hearing people around me. Everyone was staring at me and I could feel it, but I couldn't open my eyes to look at them. I remember hearing the familiar voices of my loved ones talking about my every movement like it was a miracle. "LOOK! He moved his finger!" Michael would say. "I wonder if he can hear us?" Calum would ask. Then I heard Ashton, my rock, the one with all the info ."Yes, he can hear you." He told them. And at that moment I relaxed because I knew as long as he was there I was safe and everything would be ok.

He then took my hand and started talking to me. He'd would talk to me for hours and never let go. I could feel his warm touch and it made my heart smile deep inside, something I still had control of. I had many thoughts and emotions but didn't have the power over my body to express them. So I lay there very aware of my surroundings when awake and then drifting off to sleep. When I slept, because of all the drugs I was on, it was like being in a whole other world. A world where I was on acid and things were very similar to the movie Alice in Wonderland or Dumbo. I even started telling my aunt and grandmother about the pink elephants that were dancing around the room and was amazed that they could not see them, they were everywhere! (Everything happend in a dream btw the grandma thingy yeaaaaaah.)

The dreams were crazy and I am not sure I could ever really recall them for they only made sense in the moment. As for the actual have a machine breath for me part. I describe it as one of the worst experiences I have ever been through, like a sort of slow torture. The machine pumps oxygen into your body and breaths for you at a set pace that is appropriate for your size and age. The oddest thing to me was that it was set to set an abnormally slow pace that I constantly felt like they were suffocating me. Its felt like a slow torture where I would nearly die of no oxygen then they would give me some at the last second before I died. I guess that is a normal feeling, to feel like your suffocating and part of it has to do with the huge tube you have inserted into your throat.

Days pass by in the same routine, till 4th month of my coma. Yes of course my mother and the rest of family gave up on me, at the start ash, calum and mikey were yelling at them and shit. But as weeks fly by our manager decided that its time to move on too. Basically everyone left me in 4 days.

Trapped in my body, I couldn't stop them. It's not they mind it though. Finally they don't have to deal with this.

-7months of coma-
I feel like crying, no one have spoken to me in ages. I've tried my best to move my finger or open my eyes but im still too weak.

I can't even disagree with doctors decision. Which is to send me to different hospital. "Mother Mary Hospital". Everyone knows what happens there. I don't want to be tortured. Again.

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