I would never promise to

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Okay, so everything happened three months ago.(1st month of coma) I was sent to the hospital with special care. Obviously I couldn't say anything cause Im in a fuckin coma but nevermind.

From what I remeber the room was cold and it smelled  like a smithy, like raw iron and earth. I was so confused at the start. They left me on my own, I couldn't hear any sound only my iwn heart beat.

The night has come faster than I expected. You might be wondering how do I know that, well I heard owl singing its lullaby and grasshoppers started their concert.

I've heard loud clicking noise as my doors opened. She was laughing. I felt my body paralysing in few seconds. She kept mumbling something underneath her nose. I knew something was wrong, why would someone lock the doors in the middle of a night?

Then I felt warm hands touching my arms, rubbing them with her skinny fingers, she came closer to my ear and whispered something that made me shiver inside from fear. It's play time.

I don't really want to get in the details, but let's say I was sexually abused and tortured. I felt every single thing she did to me. And now I'm going back to the same place....

*3 days later*
I've felt them moving me to another bed. Cold sheets pressed against my body. It's happening. They pushed my bed for fee good minutes. I heard people talking, crying, children moaning that they don't want any injections. The usual hospital noises.

For the first time in 7 months Im outside. But the doctors won't let me to enjoy the feeling of freedom' as I felt needle being inserted into my body, mixing my blood with sleeping poison.

When I 'woken' up from the oblivion, my heart started to ache. If I wasn't in the coma I would have a break down. Im here. The same smell. The same room. Just different people in the hospital rooms.

I heard the doors opening. She laughed. She was wearing the same perfume as the last time. She came closer to me. I know that I'm going to go through hell again. But I have to try something. I have to try to wake up...

*1st night*
She came in with 3 different people. 3 Males. I was so scared, my heart beats faster every step they take.

She say on me, licking my lips and touching my torso. I felt one of the men touching my legs. I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER THAT!

What happened, you might be wondering. Theft. It was the theft of my own body. Having someone else use me body for sexual gratification without my permission. Yes that night I was raped by monsters. This alone is bad enough. Add to the mix that whilst being raped they were physically violent towards me, which included kicking, punching, spitting and
hitting ....

Before they left my body for this night, each one of them burned my arm with cigarettes. Imagine having freshly healed scars being burned with a hot ash.

I feel dirty.

Well hello my cuties. IM BAAAAAACK lol~

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