Chapter 1 🔥

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Austin styled his golden hair. Hue was on his way to meet Andrew his best friend. He was maybe a little in love with Andrew but his best friend had a girl friend and wasn't gay!

Austin however was going to make love to the younger boy. He wasn't that young though only 17. Sure still a minor and sure Austin was 20 but still his lust had taken over! He planed to pick Andrew up and instead of going down to the library to study he was taking him home. Austin's parents weren't home wouldn't be for the whole weekend. This was the perfect time.

Andrew came out with his backpack with he always had. It carried his camera he never left home with out it. Andrew was much smaller then Austin. He was 5'7 and extremely skinny. He had brown hair that was always messy. "Hey can we stop by my house I forgot my phone?" Austin asked. "Yeah of course." Andrew replied.

"Come on." Austin said. "Why don't you just run in?" Andrew asked. "Oh just come on!" Austin said. Andrew shrugged and followed the older inside. Andrew went to walk into his friends room when Austin grabbed his thin waist and pulled him into a kiss.

Andrew was shocked for a moment but then realized what was happening and tried to push Austin away. But Austin was bigger then him and kissed down on him rougher. Taking Andrew's small wrists in one hand and pinning them to the door frame. When Austin finally broke for air. Andrew yelled "BRO WHAT THE HELL LET ME GO!" Austin twisted Andrew's wrists so the were being held behind him.

"Please Andrew I have loved you for years I need this at least once please. " Austin whined." No Austin I'm dating Lydia you can't that would be cheating!" "Ok so you want me to tell your father the pastor how his eldest son is no longer a vergin."

Andrew became quite."You wouldn't!" Oh I would just let me have this and we'll go back to normal." Austin said pinching the smallers ass. "Oh for gosh sakes Andrew people have one night stands all the time it's fine." Austin said.

He began to kiss a nibble on the boys neck. He hit a spot and Andrew stiffed a moan. "Ah the spot." Austin said and began to attack it. Andrew squirmed in Austin's grip trying to get away but Austin held him tighter. Austin pushed him forward still holding him tight and shoved him into the bed so Andrew was face down.

Austin let go of his hands but learned that it was a mistake when Andrew sprang up and tried to run away. He always was so fast. But Austin caught hold of his ankle and Andrew fell. Austin was furious and yanked Andrew closer to him by his leg and got on top of him. "Oh now your in trouble this could have been pleasant for you but no!" Andrew whimperd as Austin yanked him up and grabbed his hands pinning the behind him again. Austin pulled him up and walked him over to the bedside table.

He pulled out a pair of handcuffs. He felt Andrew begin to tremble but he brought this on himself. He remove the boys shirt and the handcuffed him to the bed. Austin ran his hands up and down Andrew's thin waist. He kissed from his neck down his waist stopping at his pants. Andrew whimper a little and Austin loved it.

Austin slowly undid Andrew's belt and saw the smallers semi hard boner. Austin pushed down on it and Andrew gasped a little. Austin smiled and began to palm him. "Oh sure jerking me off real mature!" Andrew grunted between gasps. Austin climbed on top of him continuing to jerk him off. Andrew gasped a squirmed under him.

Austin was mercilessly palming hum and he could feel his gut straining he was gonna cum soon. "Ah ah Austin shit." Andrew gasped "You've got a mouth preety boy." Austin said pushing down slowly. "Ah ah ah oh my go-ah." The only thing separating Austin from Andrew was a thin peirce of fabric. Austin decided it was his turn to have fun.

"Suck!" He told Andrew shoving two fingers in the boys face. Andrew swallowed heavily and slowly took Austin's fingers in his mouth. Austin palms himself as Andrew sucks his fingers. Austin began to finger his friend. "Ah no Austin stop that hurts." It will feel good in a minute be patient. " He said curling his fingers and adding a third. "Ah holy shit!" Andrew screamed. God if this is how he acts for a fingers how will he act for a 10in cock.

Andrew felf stretched out enough and Austin lined up. "Wait wa- aren't you gonna use lube?" Sorry preety I haven't got any" Austin replied. "Oh sure but you have handcuffs." Austin slammed in but didn't move. Andrew screamed in pain. He kept still letting Andrew get used to his size. After Andrew had taken a few calming breaths Austin slowly began to move.

God his friend was so tight and Austin was finding hard not to cum. Add in Andrew's small whimpers and moans. God so sexy. He continued to fuck him harder and deeper going faster now. Andrew cussed under him and Austin was surprised his innocent friend could speak like that. However he did sleep with his girlfriend before marriage so how shocked could Austin be?

"God your tight." Austin said shifting a little. Andrew could only whimper in response. Austin slammed in to him a little harder and Andrew gasped and moaned loudly. "Ahhh there it is." Austin smiled slamming into that spot again.

Austin felt his high coming and moved faster in his friend. He hit Andrew's prostate a few more times then felt himself cum inside Andrew. "Ahhh holy shit Andrew." Austin breathed wrapping his arms around his friend. He saw Andrew had also cum and kissed hi ls friends neck." You felt amazing." Andrew didn't speak just nodded his head. Austin had to admit that was worth the wait.

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