The Fall of Alise Steele

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Our lips gravitate towards each other, locking once again. The vibrations of the music, and the noise of people talking begins to fade. Both of us in the moment as soon as his lips meet mine. Sparks flowing through my veins as my hands shift towards his cheeks. One of his hands wrapping around my waist, the other falling on my shoulder. The warmth of his touch burning through my cold skin. Slowly he pulls away, our faces lingering close to each other. I look up to meet his gaze, as my breath hitches at his bright blue eyes looking back at me.

"I want to get to know you more." Johnnie mutters, continuing the eye contact. 

"You just had to ask." A smirk grows on my face, causing a soft laugh to escape his throat. My brain finally catches up to my actions. I take a step back, looking around at the other people in the room. Thankfully, no one saw. "Uhm, I'm going to go find Tara."

"Oh... okay." I quickly spin around, moving towards the center of the crowd in the living room. Was i actually planning on finding Tara? No. I needed to get away for a second. I made my way towards my room. My breath begins to quicken as I place my hand on the door handle, shoving the door open. After closing the door, my pace continues toward the bathroom. Closing that door swiftly. My hand reaches my chest as I struggle to catch my breath. My lunges filling with air, but not enough. My hands begin to shake as my brain becomes fuzzy. I make my way over to the sink, putting both of my hands on the counter. I look up to look at myself, focusing on trying to taking deep breaths. If anybody saw that, it would not be good. Why do I have to kiss him almost every single time i see him? Thoughts flood my brain, while my gaze focuses on my reflection. The feeling of doom, everything crashing and burning around me causes my eyes to fill with tears. A soft knock at the door distracts me. 

"Hey, you okay?" Tara's voice rings from the opposite side of the door. "Can i come in?"

"Yeah." I respond through shuttered breaths. As the door opens my eyes tear down to the sink. Tara's eyes widen as she looks at me.

"Babe, breathe, its okay." She assures, shutting the door and walking over to me. My hand reaches back to my chest as my nails dig into my skin, wishing to rip my skin off and feel cold air on my lungs. Tara grabs my elbow, guiding me further into the bathroom before sitting on the floor in front of me. I take a few steps before my i fall on my knees while facing her.

"Hey, look at me-" Tara says, grabbing my chin to meet her eyes, "Let's take some deep breaths okay?" She makes direct eye contact with me while breathing in deep, holding for a second, then letting go. I follow her lead. After a few deep breaths, a few stray tears escape my eyes as my lungs finally stabilize. My eyes continue to leak tears as my hands reach towards my eyes, wiping them away quickly. "What happened?"

"Tara I dont know what's going on. The morning after you all spent the night, i kissed Johnnie in my room, and tonight i kissed him in the middle of the party. I don't know why i did it." I word vomit while my voice breaks, hot tears streaming down my face. Tara's expression stays the same, simply listening to me express my feelings.

"Hey, its okay, theres nothing to be ashamed about." She holds my shoulders as my gaze falls to the tile, trying to hide the continuing stream of tears down my face. 

"I just don't know what it is about him, It's like my body has a mind of its own when I'm around him. I'm just so confused because I don't know how he feels, and I don't want him to think I'm easy." I word vomit again, looking back up at Tara.

"Trust me, if theres anything I know about Johnnie, he won't think that." Tara wipes the tears and running eyeliner and mascara off from under my eyes. I flash her a weak smile, and her reciprocating. "Let's get you cleaned up okay? I'll close the party down." She stands up, walking to my room, grabbing me a pair of sweatpants and a tank top from my closet. She comes back into the bathroom and puts the clothes on the counter before helping me up. She gives me a tight squeeze on my arm before leaving. I quickly change, while hearing the music fade and footsteps leading out of my apartment. I tie my hair back into a low bun, my curtain bangs falling on the sides of my face. I open a drawer, grabbing my makeup wipes and begin wiping my makeup off. Another light knock sounds on the door.

"Come in."

Jake slowly opens the door, I pause taking off my makeup and look at him through the mirror. "Hey love are you okay?" His eyebrows tilting up, giving me a worried but warm look.

"Yeah, i just had a bit of a freakout." I reply, resuming taking off the last of my makeup.

"Hey, whatever it is, you'll always have us by your side." I turn out throwing my arms around his waist. His arms wrap around me shoulders. A few tears slipping from my eyes again. After a few moments he back away, giving my shoulders a soft squeeze. "Will you be okay tonight?"

"Yeah, thank you Jake." I smile weakly at hims, he shoots back a sweet smile while turning to leave while i follow his steps, flipping the light switch in the bathroom and b-lining it to my bed. I craved the soft touch and warmth of my blankets. After Jake shuts the door, I quickly fall asleep.


The next morning i slowly open my eyes, feeling their puffiness due to my crying last night. My phone vibrating almost violently on my nightstand. Confused, I pick up my phone and stare at the amount of messages.

Three New Messages From Tara

One New Message from Johnnie

Two New Messages from Jake

One New Message from Colby

One New Message from Sam

My brows furrow, wondering why I was being blown up with messages. I open Tara's messages first

Alise I'm so sorry

I'll find out who leaked the photos and murder them

If you need anything, please never hesitate to reach out

I quickly switched from messages to snapchat, seeing one of my instagram pictures in headlines saying, Switching Up on Alise Already? I tap on the article, trying to find answers to the texts. My eyes widen looking at the comments photoshopped onto the picture.

who could have predicted she'd be a whore?

she literally just got popular and is already making out with a rando in at a party LMAO

Alise Steele the slut of the year!

My throat grows dry, beginning to burn with every breathe i inhale and exhale. I swipe up to look through the article, and find a photo from last night. It was blurry, but obviously me. Staring at the photo, thankfully it was blurry enough nobody could focus on the hand tattoos, which would obviously identify Johnnie. I drop my phone, hearing it clatter on the hardwood floor. I grab my chest again, nails digging into my skin again, using the stinging pain to try and center my thoughts. I rush out of bed, falling on the floor by my phone, grabbing it quickly. I exit snapchat and open instagram, opening my comments on my newest photo.

literally so embarrassing for you

i could tell by your face you were a slut

time for a tramp stamp babes!!

if these comments were to me i would kms

I lightly set down my phone, my brain taking time to wrap around the things people were commenting. My hands fall on my knees, grabbing onto them tightly. Tears begin escaping my eyes.

I fucked up


A/N -> hey guys! shorter chapter but i wanted to publish something before i fly back! I'll try to update and often as possible, but with school i might be a bit busy!

feedback/recs --->

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