The Livestream

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The next few days consisted of me laying in bed. My motivation to see anyone, speak to anyone, or look at my phone left my body. The only thing my brain could comprehend at the moment was the reality tv show i was watching on my laptop. My brain felt foggy and numb. My body felt numb. My heart felt numb. Everything felt numb, like it was stuck in time. The only thing moving was the sun going up and down. My phone continued to sporadically vibrate, but i never turned to check. I was too detached to focus on my surroundings. At the end of one of the episodes i was watching, a notification popped up. 

Johnnie Guilbert is live!: chatting & talking about toxicity

My eyes widened with curiosity. Could i even watch the live right now? Curiosity continued to pick at my brain as my hand moved to press on the notification, joining the live. He greeted a few people and made small talk while people joined. Soon enough, the live had over 3k viewers. After about 15 minutes, I began to feel the familiar sting in my nose and throat. My hands moved to close the stream when i was interrupted. 

"Okay guys, i guess ill just get into it. I've noticed over the past few days a lot of news articles about Alise Steele, and a lot of new comments on her posts. I've had the pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her, and I'm honestly disgusted at how the internet is treating her." My breath hitched for a moment realizing the the topic he was going to talk about. My hand moved away from the touch bar of my computer.

"If you guys don't know who Alise is, she is a streamer who does covers on her guitar, similar to me. She was in one of her high school friends, Sam and Colby's videos which kinda jumpstarted her career. Not too long after she moved to LA and had a housewarming party to get to know people and make some friends out here. At this party, a photo was leaked of her kissing someone."

A loose tear streamed down my face, resurfacing the emotions of the morning i found out. My stomach began to form knots. 

"This led to a lot of hate at her, and like i mentioned news articles. Ever since I've met her, she's been nothing but kind and caring and an amazing person. It breaks my heart she's getting all of this hate, especially since its completely unnecessary. People calling her names is very disgusting and shows the double standard between men and women. For example, if another guy were to kiss a girl at a party, he would be praised and given compliments, while women like Alise are shamed and called a 'slut' or 'whore'. Alise is not a slut, whore, or any other name being thrown at her. the people commenting this are honestly just toxic, and hurting and wanting to take it out on someone. Words like this can really affect someones mental health, especially in the already mentally difficult nature of being in social media. If you see this, leave a compliment on her posts or even dm her some kind words. She does not deserve any of this hate. Stop hating on women for making choices for themselves. It's extremely toxic."

As Johnnie continues to speak on the issue. A warm feeling relaxes on my shoulders, and soothes my brain for a moment. Before clicking off the stream, i reach over to grab my phone.

Johnnie Guilbert

Thank you.

I close my phone and shut off the stream. As soon as this happens, i hear a soft knock on my door. I slowly stand up from my bed, instantly feeling the weakness in my legs and the ache in my body from lack of food and water. I make my way to the front door slowly, then opening it to reveal Tara holding a few bags in her hand. A soft smile spreads across her lips.

"Hi love-" She puts the bags on the floor and pulls me in for a tight hug, her hand rubbing my back while a few tears escape my eyes. "I wanted to come check on you, i haven't heard from you for some time and i got worried."

Soul Tied - Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now