End Notes (2)

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Here to point out more of the flaws that I was too lazy to edit out:

1. Forget shubman constantly mentioning Sara in chapter 2 then saying he's in love with Ishan a few hours later because he doesn't like Sara but since he was drunk the first thought really came to his mind was Sara (because man it's hard to get over exes) as he was simply too used to her being the only love of his life he was kinda somewhat scared of crossing the borders of friendship with Ishan and again, he was drunk😍😍

2. About Shubman's father playing pehla pehla pyaar (good stuff fr), idek if that sounds believable because that guy is Punjabi and i have no idea of how Punjabis exist and what even goes on in North India but that's what my cousins experienced as kids so i thought it would be fun to add that 😔

3. Ishan being an unrealistically heavy sleeper. Idk man. Must be drunk people stuff.

4. I have no idea of how drunk people work or how it even feels to be drunk because the only thing I've ever consumed in my life is a bottle of kingfisher last year and didn't feel anything (it tastes crap btw)

I– yeah kindly do point out more errors. (Trust me, I'll be grateful af for that.) I'll try to somehow justify them to make myself feel better or make changes to the fic.

P. S
Sorry for yapping so much, it's a habit😔🤚

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