1 mafia idea

9 1 2

goggles Pov:

It all started with and email exchange.

Dear Mr Not found, we wish to hire you as a part of our business, we've heard about your work and are quite impressive.

If you wish to discuss this more, please ring XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX for "chat".

George stared at the screen, one hand on the mouse the other holding his head as his eyes flicker over the letters on screen. His soft brown locks fell over his forehead messy and unbrushed as always. Dressed in only a hoodie and shorts the brunet looked soft and sweet, never the kind you'd expect to work in crime. A nearly finished cigarette was held between his fingers before being put out in the ashtray he kept on his desk for when he didn't feel like going outside. He breathed out the final smoke before closing down his computer He shifts in his seat fixing his posture and reaching for his phone, deep brown eyes flicker of the time 2:00am He smiled softly; he'd been hoping for an email like this, a chance to prove himself more than ever.

He quickly dialled the number on screen, there was no point in waiting. It rang once, twice "hello this is the reception for the wastaken manor, how may I help you today?" a woman who worked for the Wastakens answered. Well now I know who emailed me George realized. The wastaken family was one of the largest mafias in the country. Although George had expected for someone to attempt a hire, he did not expect them "yes hello, this is 404notfound. I'd love to know more about this 'business' you speak of" George spoke carefully; he didn't want this opportunity to go to waste due to bad wording.

"Ah yes, please wait while I transfer you to another line". The stern female voice spoke, George could hear the clicky clack of keys from the other side of the call "Transferring now" she said as a loud beep came through the phone making the brunet wince. He hated loud noises, but he just had to deal with it.

George looked around his apartment with coffee coloured that were eyes laced with the exhaustion that comes from a severe lack of sleep. Of all time to message him they chose the middle of the night, you know? The time when your meant to be at rest?! George huffed in annoyance at the audacity before taking a breath to calm himself to avoid something irrational. He soon found himself staring at his filthy room that needed a clean almost as desperately as he needed a meal. Just as he thought about getting up to grab some food, he heard another loud beep making him wince once more but this time it was followed by a male with the words.

"Apologies for the wait Mr Notfound, I had some urgent business to deal with first." he paused" Shall we begin?" the voice was stern and cold, monotone and unforgiving and able to cause Georges body to shiver in his seat making him uneasy opposing the confidence he held previously. "of course, Sir." George agreed discomfort evident in his voice. "So, Mr Notfound" the man on the other line began.

"we've been hearing about you and your work for a few years, impressive would be an understatement. We would love to hire your service, with the level we are offering, the payment would be worth a pretty penny. Would you be willing to join our organization? we can discuss the details in person" The man on the other line spoke with persuasion and charisma George could only dream of.

"I'd love to join, thank you for this opportunity, when could I start?" George accepted, of course he would! This was the offer of his dreams and there was no way he'd give up this once in a lifetime chance that he was NOT willing to give up. "Delightful! Meet at this address on Thursday week. Bring only what you need, you won't be back" he paused again allowing the statement to set in George's mind" understand Mr Notfound?" Questioned the mysterious voice snapping George from his thoughts. He agreed immediately not wishing to make the other wait any longer which was quickly followed by one that ended the call. "good"

Silence filled the tiny apartment before being broken by a loud sigh, George brushed his hands through his hair as he thought. Its Friday, I have just under a week to get ready for one of the biggest changes of my life. He looked down at his phone, an address, George thought must be the location I'm meant to meet at. George then peered over at his fridge, feeling his stomach growl obnoxiously before he slipped over to the corner he called a kitchen, opening his freezer before grabbing the last frozen dinner he had before shoving it in the microwave hitting the buttons and waiting for it to cook as he debated what to pack.

~may or may not continue lol~

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