2 XDnf pt. I

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A soft wind blew through the air, a chill shivering down George's spine. He sad on a hilltop overlooking the community house. He laid against a tree holding some mushrooms in his hands softly growing them with a power DreamXD had lended him. A soft hand rested on his shoulder, a shiver ran down his spine, it was XD, he knew instantly that due to the coldness dead feeling of his hand.

George turned to look over at the everlasting smile of the young god. he looked human today, he did that sometimes, appearing human to make George feel comfortable and it almost worked, but it also made him look more like Him which swept most if not all that comfort away every time he looked into that soulless mask that resembled Dreams so much.

"Hello dear, how have you been this day?" XD spoke softly sitting beside George who placed the mushrooms he had been growing in a basket he had almost forgotten about. "Fine XD, do you need anything ?" monotone George replied complete disinterest in communicating with XD on this particular day although very well knowing he was unlikely to get out of it.

"Just wanted to spend time my dear mushroom" XD spoke joyfully seemingly oblivious to George's annoyance with his presence. George began to standing basket in his hands, he collected stuff now. It was an easy distraction.

"do you have any plans today? "he paused but began again leaving zero chances for George to reply "No? well then, you could come with me! I'm hoping to play with the Blobs! You know how much they love me" he was already grasping George's arm and starting to teleport them to the Blob forest.

They now stood surrounded by trees George leaned against XD's side dizzy from the sudden change of terrain, XD leaned over and looked at the brunets scrunched face. "Are you okay, my dear?" XD asked gently . George opened his eyes to look up at the god his eyes adjusting to the new terrain, XDs soulless mask stared back at him, he hated how much he looked like dream now, the soft curls that fell over the mask out from under the hood the soft beard that contoured his lower face those lips that emitted such a beautiful voice, so dusty so beautiful but yet he couldn't keep staring as it was getting awkward. He held the taller's arm for support ad he stood upright now fully taking in his surroundings.

he felt a soft wind blow past him as he looked over the trees, tall oaks surrounded the two with handfuls of birch scattered among the forest ground, large amounts of foliage could be seen covering the trees head to toe, vines winding around the rough bark and hanging from the braches and leaving a large overhang with large amounts of sunlight peaking through the fauna. Looking closer at the trees he spotted white speck looking through the leaves and gaps between the oak. Blobs, Dreams blobs. He stared at the beady eyed creatures, he hadn't seen the dears in many moons. XD stood staring at them just as George both staring at the small beings. George stepped forward reaching into the trees lower branches allowing the soft marshmallow like forms to climb his arms and crawl into his hair, they did that a lot especially with dream. XD just stood therewith no intention of touching them, instead he seems to be frightening them by merely his presence. He was a powerful being and they knew that , XD knew that and George knew that but yet he couldn't help but lay one small blob on XDs shoulder surprising both.

XD reacted differently than George expected, not that he expected anything particular the god was a mysterious being yet he still had patterns, patterns George learnt. XD held his rough palm up to his shoulder allowing the blob to hop on before bringing the creature down to hold in both palms. He softly stroked the creature with his finger a soft fuzzy thing. You could see a soft smile strike his face seemingly enjoying holding the small creature. George stood watching him as many a blobs climbed his long mossy cape held over his shoulders by a simple green Cape, climbing into his hair, pockets, in his basket filled with mushrooms and even generally around his feet, the creatures knew George, their leaders friend, a friend of dream was a friend of them where as XD was not a friend, infact they seemed to fear him so much that most stood behind George the only interaction was the one he was given that was slowly getting used to the pets and even enjoying them.

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