3 Prison

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(author's note at the bottom)

Will I ever be free?

Heavy footsteps bounced off the hard obsidian walls, echoing throughout the small enclosure how long have I been here? Time seems to pass through so slow and so fast, Sam hasn't replaced my clock yet, I threw it into lava , what... 20 minutes ? and hour? Maybe longer he ruffled his hand through his hair. It used to be short and soft but now those locks became longs and unruly, messy and unkempt. Some days he would just lay there and wait for something, anything, please, please anything.

It was nobody's fault but his own, he knew this , he knew he did this to himself yet he felt nothing, he hurt all those he loved and hated yet he felt nothing. Maybe it was due to his lack of human contact throughout what he assumed was only months or due to a genuine lack of care for his actions, regardless he knew he was in the wrong.

Pat pat pat



The lava separated loudly a crashing noise Dream hadn't heard in a while
He saw the warden of the prison , his former friend, Sam!
Opening his arms as if implying the guard would be wanting a hug, disregarding the distanced still between him. Humorous "Sam! Friend. How are you? how has the outside been, missed me?" Dream spoke slyly with a hint of irritation present in his voice.

His grin grew at the sight of the clock he had thrown into the burning heap it still works! Soon Sam stood beside the smiling man. Forever smiling, grin never dropping. They had planned to take his mask but that was the one thing they were unable to control. Dream knew this, he had better or had he forgotten how the taste of blood felt between his teeth as he dug his canines into the wardens skin as he had attempted the masks removal? No , of course not, and neither had Sam.

Sam rewired the clock to the wall turning to the taller sword pointed at his throat "I don't know what you gain from this but it won't work"
Dreams grin only grew "oh it already has" words spoken with such softness yet meaning something so sinister. Neither Sam nor Dream moved staring at each other intensely.

"Goodbye Dream " Sam finally spoke after he felt their staring had gone on long enough and that Dream didn't actually have anything to do . Sam was right of course, Dream didn't have a plan at all other than annoy Sam. He was stuck there for until his days are completed.
Sam turned to the platform he stood on to enter and leave the cell. He was gone once again and dream was left alone.

As soon as the lava was sat as a wall completely covering him from any public view or any escape, his smile dropped , his face rested for a moment completely monotone before-
Dream broke down, sat in the corner behind the cauldron and wept. As much as this man couldn't feel regret for his actions at all, he wept for his friendships. His actions had never would probably never make him tear up but the loss of his friendships, his now eternal loneliness... that- that crushed him.

He sat there crying till his eyes were red and bruised. His face buried in his knees and hair as he sat there feeling so alone.
He didn't know how long he sat there but he didn't care, time was almost irrelevant to him as nothing seemed to ever change.

"Oh brother, how fall you've fallen"
Dreams head bolted upright to stare at the holder of that all to familiar voice.

"What do you want XD " he said clenching his teeth and wiping his tears.

"Oh Dreamie, is that how you talk to me now?" XD chuckled as he smiled mockingly at his younger brother. Dream stood but stayed in his slot, not trusting him in the slightest.

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