ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 3:Into the Colony...

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The sky child slowly wakes up to something making noise?...

As he gets up, he looks around the Abandoned shop cautiously to see what was the racket. Until they reach the second last isle in the little shop to see a female droneling looking around to scavenge(Aka a kid worker drone) they look around 8 or 9 which after a couple of seconds they see the skychild too.

All it was for a couple of seconds was utter silence as they look at each other which the droneling looks at him curiously as she's never seen someone like you before.

Droneling:Hello? you look different from the rest of us... You look like a worker drone but.. different colour instead of white its dark grey... and what's with the cape and mask?.

The skychild didn't understand what its trying to say but can understand its curiosity as they look different from the rest so he just honks in reply which makes droneling jump a little.

Droneling:Can you talk... or No?
She points at her mouth to indicate what she means.

The Skychild can understand what they mean and shake their head.

Droneling:Ah that's a problem if you can only do that weird honking noise eh oh well oh yeah forgot to say my name is Kasey. Since I don't know your name hmm what to call you... Oh! I'mma just call you red caped drone😄.

Now it was just silence for a couple of seconds until...

She runs away laughing

The skykid understands what she's doing and plays along catching each other for a hour or so.

Kasey:Your fun to play with new friend too bad I don't have any friends at school... So I could consider you my first friend😄 come on follow me I wanna show you to the rest of the Colony🙂

He guessed that she asked him to follow her?
He follows from behind for a good 10 minutes as he is back at those big metallic gates he was at yesterday but this time right in front of them. Kasey knocks on the gate.

Kasey:Daddy let me in I wanna show you something cool😄

The big metal gates open as he could see a sort of medium sized room with a table in the middle with cards spilled all over it

Kasey's father:Hello sweetie and who may this other young one be?

Kasey:This is my friend he can't talk and just makes these honking sounds so I just call him red caped drone

Kasey's father:Ah i see well you two come in. it's starting to get late after all.

The skykid and Kasey walk in as the big metal door behind shuts.

Kasey:This place is like super safe made by Mr.Kahn he knows how to keep all of us safe with theese super duper strong doors😄

He nods as he makes it past all 3 gates as the skykid is in the main Hall of the base now.

Kasey:let me show you around😄

Kasey grabs his hand as she shows the skykid around this colony base well what she was allowed to show which took around a whole 40 or so minutes. Cause of the sheer amount of doors and it was interesting to see a school mixed with a sort of base full of different people. It's quite huge and complex to say the least.

Kasey:And that's everything to this place I'm allowed to go to my daddy says some places I can go into when I become bigger.

Then a school bell could be heard in the distance ringing aloud.

Kasey:Aw I was hoping to play with you a bit longer oh well. Time for me to go for now to my class see ya later Red caped drone😄

She waves as she walks away. The skykid understood the gesture so he waved back to say goodbye. He sees that there is not really much to do so he heads for the entrance.

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