07| Got Away With It

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~To The Story~

Karma returned home around the time the sun started to go down. The sudden knock on the door startled you, but when you remembered that Karma didn't have his keys to let himself in.

Geez, how does Karma live peacefully by himself without getting scared of every little noise?

Well, regardless, you were glad he was back. It was getting dark, and you hated being alone during the late hours. Which is something you haven't realized until living here. So with him around, you would be able to study in the living room in peace.

Actually, you were so at peace that you ended up falling asleep on the couch despite the amount of studying you still wanted to do. As you were losing consciousness, you told yourself that you would only take a ten-minute nap.

Karma came back downstairs an hour into your nap. When he walked around the couch and saw you taking up the entire couch. The slight annoyance on his face seemed to have dwindled once he spotted the open textbooks and worksheets scattered all over the coffee table.

Your diligence in keeping up with your schoolwork is such a painful sight. Too bad chumps like you aren't as gifted as him.

But never mind about that. Karma wants to watch TV.

Unlike the way you woke him up this morning, Karma opted to try something else. Shamelessly, he lifted the hem of your shirt, only enough to show your belly button, and tickled you.

"AH!" You shrieked and comically sat up. When you saw the bastard who tickled you, you barked. "KARMA!"

"Move, I want to watch TV."

As always, Karma barely reacted to your angry shouts. The boy didn't even apologize, which you expected, but that didn't mean you were less upset.

You glared at him but did move out of the way for him to plop his lazy ass down. Your glare has yet to waver as you protectively place a hand over your belly.

"Was tickling me really necessary?" You muttered.

"Was coming into my room this morning really necessary?"

"You wouldn't wake up."

"Neither did you."

Your face pulls into a suspicious frown. "Did you try to wake me up?"

Karma smiled oh so innocently. "Yes."

What a fucking liar.

You scoffed and moved down from the couch to sit on the ground. Since you're awake, you might as well continue with your studying. You only planned to take a ten-minute nap, so when you saw that it's been an hour, you wasted no time diving right into work.

As you picked up your pencil, you felt the dull pain in your wrist, reminding you of all the suffering you had to go through to write your essay. Your teacher thinks using an electronic device is considered cheating, so he makes everyone use a pen and paper for their essay.

Well, at least you were able to finish it.

Now, onto math. You grabbed your bag to find your notes. While digging into your bag, you came across the test you needed an adult to sign.

'Oh, I almost forgot.'

And since Karma is here now, you might as well ask.

"Karma." You turn to him, holding your paper. "I need someone to sign this."

Now, before you can ask him who can sign it, Karma interrupts you.

"Oh, here, I got this." Karma took the paper, got off the couch to sit on the floor next to you and took one of your blue pens.

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