09| Unpleasant Feeling

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~To The Story~

"... And done." You beamed with relief as you looked over at your math work. When you put your pencil down, you felt a sense of freedom washing over you. You finally finished all of your assignments. Before you let your excitement completely get to you, you paused and remembered that you still needed to have your grandfather go over your assignment first.

You pouted.

You rose from your desk, grabbed your paper and left your room. The sooner your grandfather goes over your work, the sooner you can play outside.


"You got fired?"

Halfway down the stairs, you froze. You almost squeaked when you heard your grandfather's booming voice bouncing off the walls. Your grandfather was a patient man. You never heard him ever raising his voice at anyone for any reason. He never yelled at you. He never yelled at the kids who ruined his potted plants. He never yelled at the rude driver who outright cursed at him.

But, there was one person who would constantly test his patience and that person was your mother.

At the bottom of the stairs, you see your grandfather at the front door with your mother who looks like just came back from work.

Your mother snorts. "It was a minimum wage job. Who cares."

"I don't care if they paid you less than that. At least you were contributing something to this family for once."

Your mother has always hated earning her own money. The money she did earn was only spent on herself, much to your grandfather's annoyance. He would constantly tell her that she should stop spending her money on frivolous things. She has a daughter now and should start saving money, or spend it on groceries, or on your winter clothes. The stuff she should buy now that she's mother.

But, she doesn't see herself as a mother. Even at the age of 10, you were able to comprehend that.

"Find another job."

"What? No way." Your mother says passionately with anger. "I don't need a job, I'm doing just fine."

"Only because I'm letting you live here for free. If it weren't for (y/n), I would have thrown you out again long ago."

Your grandfather was hoping your mother would finally grow up just so long as you're around. But, you don't see that happening.

"Ugh. I'm done with this." Your mother storms out of the house. She won't be back for hours.

An obvious tense silence filled the room. You watched your grandfather rub his forehead in distress and sigh.

Then he turns to go back to the living room but not before spotting you. "Oh, (y/n)." He awkwardly clears his throat. "I didn't hear you."

You forced a smile, through the tension. "I finished my homework. Can you look over it?"

"Sure." He leads you to the living room so the two of you can sit on the couch. "Let's see..."

Your grandfather goes over your homework. From time to time, he does point out the mistakes in some of your answers and helps you understand what went wrong.

You tried to listen, but your mind kept replaying the argument earlier.

"Why is mom always so mean to you?" You asked with doe eyes.

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