Sneaky J J.S

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Among the students, there was a boy named Jang Soo, who was known for his mischievous nature. Jang Soo had a secret crush on a girl named Y/n, who was not only beautiful but also incredibly intelligent.

One night, Jang Soo couldn't resist the urge to see Y/n, so he decided to sneak into the girls' dormitory. He carefully made his way through the dark corridors, trying not to make any noise. Finally, he reached Y/n's classroom, where she often stayed late studying.

As Jang Soo entered the classroom, he saw Y/n sitting at her desk, engrossed in her books. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. Slowly, he approached her, trying not to startle her.

"Y/n," Jang Soo whispered, his voice barely audible. "It's me, Jang Soo."

Y/n looked up, surprised to see Jang Soo standing there. "Jang Soo? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be in the girls' dormitory!"

"I know, I know," Jang Soo replied sheepishly. "But I couldn't resist seeing you. I missed you."

Y/n blushed, her heart fluttering at Jang Soo's words. "You're such a troublemaker, Jang Soo. But I missed you too."

They spent the night talking and laughing, forgetting about the world outside. The hours flew by, and before they knew it, the first rays of sunlight began to peek through the classroom windows.

Panicking, Jang Soo quickly grabbed Y/n's hand. "We need to leave before anyone sees us!"

As they made their way back to the boys' dormitory, they hoped that no one had noticed their late-night rendezvous. However, luck was not on their side. As they entered the dormitory, they were greeted by a group of boys, including Jang Soo's friends.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," Woo Taek said smirking.

"Jang Soo, sneaking into the girls' dormitory, huh? And Y/n, what were you doing with him?" Kwon Ilha replied nudging Jangsoo's side.

Jang Soo's face turned red with embarrassment, and Y/n felt her cheeks burn with shame. They both knew they were in trouble.

"Leave them alone," a voice suddenly spoke up. It was Ms. Park, who had been passing by. "Jang Soo and Y/n, come with me."

The Ms. Park led them to the office, where she scolded them for their reckless behavior. However, she also saw the sincerity in their eyes and realized that their intentions were pure.

"I understand that young love can make us do foolish things," Ms. Park said, her tone softening. "But remember, there are proper ways to express your feelings. Sneaking around is not one of them."

Jang Soo and Y/n nodded, feeling remorseful for their actions. From that day forward, they vowed to be more responsible and respectful of the rules.

As time went on, Jang Soo and Y/n's love only grew stronger. They became the talk of the school, not because of their mischievous adventures, but because of their unwavering commitment to each other.

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