My Secret ♡ Younghoon

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Playing: Heartbeat BY: BTS

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Playing: Heartbeat BY: BTS

(❗️Let me know if there's any grammar in here thx.❗️)

In the peaceful solitude of the school library, Younghoon sat at a desk, absorbed in his homework. His attention was fully dedicated to the task at hand, as it always was. Younghoon was known as the quintessential bookworm, preferring the company of textbooks and knowledge over social interactions.

As he diligently wrote down his answers, Younghoon's phone buzzed, indicating an incoming message. He glanced at it briefly, choosing to focus on his work for a moment longer. However, when a second notification appeared, curiosity got the better of him, and he picked up his phone.

Baby(Y/n): Hoonie! How's your day going? I hope all is well with you. I've been missing you a lot.  I was actually thinking of coming over to your school after my classes today. Maybe we could catch up, grab a snack, or simply hang out. What do you think?


A soft smile graced Younghoon's face as he read the name on the screen: Y/n, his girlfriend. Y/n had always been understanding and supportive of his studious nature, appreciating the depth of his intellect and passion for learning. Their relationship was built on a foundation of mutual respect and shared interests.

Opening the message, Younghoon's heart warmed as he read Y/n's thoughtful text

Unable to contain his joy, Younghoon typed a heartfelt response to Y/n.

Boo(Younghoon): I've been doing fine so far, and sure you can just wait for me after class. And maybe hangout near the icecream shop you've been craving for?

Baby(Y/n): Wait really!?

Boo(Younghoon):Hmm. I haven't spend much time with you lately so maybe a payback would be great. :)

Baby(Y/n):That's too sweer of you! Anyway i gotta go my class starts in a few minutes meet you later love you!

Boo(Younghoon): 🤎


As the bell echoed through the quiet library, Younghoon glanced up from his book, a signal that it was time to pack up. With a soft sigh, he marked his page and closed the book, placing it gently on the table. He collected his belongings - a notebook filled with scribbles and thoughts, a couple of pens, and his laptop, tucking them neatly into his bag.

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