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"Wallace move over. I'm being suffocated by you and Scott" I mumble into my pillow as my best friend Wallace scoffs.

"Keep it up and I'll kick you out of the house as well" he says as I sigh.

I had been roommates with Scott and Wallace for about five full years now. Seeing as I'm Wallace's childhood best friend and such. It didn't take me long to realize Scott had zero interest in a girl like me. And I was just fine with that. I'm also friends with a girl named Ramona Flowers. She moved to our town recently and I met her at the local coffee shop. Since then we really hit it off and became close friends. I'm only a year younger than Scott, and I met him in high school.

Recently Scott had been getting close to Ramona ever since he dreamed of the girl.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until I was rudely awoken by Wallace patting me on the face with a greasy spatula.

"Wakey wakey have some grease from the bacey" he teases as my eyes shoot open very fast.

"If I breakout I will murder you in your sleep. I will cut holes in your condoms so you get stds when you fuck another dude" I say as he pulls the spatula way at the speed of lightening.

"Battle of the Bands starts tonight" Scott reminds me as I sigh. I'm the main guitarist of the band. I dont sing though. Stephen plays his guitar and Scott plays bass. Except Stephen owns a shitty guitar so his sounds different from mine. Neil operates the systems as my friend Kim plays drums.

Wallace says he needs to head to the store. Once I'm dressed and showered Wallace returns. Scott perks up from the computer and walks over to help grab groceries.

"Daddy's home!!! " Wallace shouts as I smile.

He greets me by kissing my cheek as Scott says that's the straightest thing he has done in a while. So Wallace kisses Scott on the cheek as well.

"Oh um. Can we not go there right now?" Scott asks as I remember Wallace is the reason for Scott's bi awakening.

Later in the night we head out to the place for the battle as we meet up with Scott's fake girlfriend Knives, his new girlfriend Ramona who happens to be my best friend, Stacy and her boyfriend Jimmy, and yea. That's it.

They head up to the balcony as I see Wallace flirting with Jimmy and getting drunk.

Scott and I head to the backstage as we watch the current group perform. Wallace keeps yelling from the balcony as Scott is staring at the wall.

"Scott stop standing there you are freaking me out! " Stephen  says as Scott turns around and smacks Stephen.

"We can do this" Scott says as we head on.

We start playing our song 'Garbage Truck' as the roof crashes in suddenly.

A tan male with the most emo haircut ever drops down from the ceiling.

"Mr. Pilgrim! Prepare to die! " he yells as Scott's face drops.

"What did I do? " Scott asks as him and the male start to fight.

Suddenly a vs sign appears as Scott asks who he is.

"It is I! Matthew Patel! Ramona's first evil ex boyfriend! " he shouts as I look up at the girl. Wallace shouts 'hey it's that one guy'.

Ohhh she has evil exes and didn't tell me? Well isn't that something.

"Why are you dressed as a pirate? " Wallace asks.

"Pirates are in this year. Die! " Matthew says as I start giggling.

"You really dated this dude? " I ask Ramona as she sighs.

"It was football season and for some reason, all of the little jocks wanted me. Matthew was the only non white non jock person in town. So we joined forces and took them all down. We sprawled and scraped and fought for hours. No one can beat Matthew's mystical powers. We only kissed once. After a week and a half, I told him to hit the showers" Ramona says as I smirk.

"Wait? Mystical powers? " Scott asks.

"You'll pay for this... Flowers! " Matthew says as I stand in front of Scott.

"If you want to fight me! Ha! You're not the brightest! You won't know what'd hit you in the slightest" he sings as he goes into the air.

"Me and my fireballs! " he continues as he launches fire. Then he summons demon hipster chicks.

"My demon hipster chicks! I'm talking the talk! Cause you know I'm slick! " he sings as the one chick says 'tell em Matty' and the others the go "fireball girls! Take this sucker down!" And then they start launching fire at us.

Two people get burned as I just stay in front of Scott. I mentioned Scott doesn't like me. And how did I find out? Well...

I start to fly up to Matthew's level as four demon hipster dudes appear on my sides.

"It is I! Y/n L/n! Scott's first evil ex girlfriend! " I shout as Ramona's eyes widen. Matthew stops launching fire as realization had set in.

The male finally has met his match.


He's Slick (Matthew Patel x fem! reader) Where stories live. Discover now