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I launch a beam of ice at his lower left arm. The ice covers his wrist as he shrieks at the coldness.

"What the hell!? " he shouts as our hipster demons start fighting one another.

"Awwww does that hurt? " I ask as I smirk. He finally realizes he can use his other hand to melt the ice. And once he does I just launch more ice at him.

"Okay fine! You guys win! I give up! " he yells as I fly down and fist bump Scott. See fire can only do so much. But when your opponent is very bad at dodging attacks and dramatic as fuck, it's easy to win.

"Ramona do I have to still defeat him and collect the coins? " I ask as she shakes her head.

"Nah. But he can't fight Scott again" she says as I nod.

Because Scott needed a bus home and didn't get the coins from defeating Matthew, Matthew searched his pockets to give Scott the amount he would have gotten. Which wasn't a lot.

As people start to leave the host of the battle claims Sex-Bob-Omb had won. Which means I won. And I like winning.

I glance over at Matthew who looks like he is about to have a dramatic breakdown.

"Do you need a ride home? " I ask as he just glares at me.

"No I can fly home thank you very much" he says as he then scoffs and crosses his arms.

"We can get tacos" I say as his face lights up.

"I would suddenly very much like a ride home" he says as we head to my car.


"So all of her exes moved to Canada just to fight Scott?" I ask as I take a bite of my taco. We are currently sitting in my car as Matthew said I could ask questions about the League of Exes.

"Yea. But I'm staying in some sort of apartment that I have to share with Roxy, her ex girlfriend. Which I don't mind. Having a gay roommate is chill" he says as I smirk.

"I literally live with Scott along with a gay roommate. I was awoken to a greasy spatula on my face today" I say as he dramatically gasps.

"I could never! Grease? Like hello? That would mess up my beautiful features! " Matthew says as I laugh lightly.

"Yea well you are wearing chunky eyeliner underneath your eyes" I mention as he then proceeds to roll his eyes.

"So you are roomates with your own ex?" he asks with a look of confusion.

"Sure. I share a bed with him and my gay roommate Wallace. Though a while back Wallace once had a drunk make out session with a very sober Scott and now Scott is totally bisexual. Which is cute and all but that means we are all sorta in a weird situation ship. Cause Scott dated me. And then Scott was crushing on Wallace. But Wallace was too busy fucking other dudes to care. So I guess... It's fine. It reminds me of the first time I saw Wallace without a shirt off. I was like woah. He's hot. But then I realized he was gay sooo. Ya know" I say as Matthew just nods.

"And you gained demon hipster dudes and ice powers from it? " he asks. That's when I shake my head.

"No I was born with the abilities. You know how soulmates exist? Everyone has an equal. So if you and I were siblings we would both have fire. But we don't. And we aren't from the same family" I say as he makes a face.

"Are you saying we are soulamstes? " he asks.

"Who knows. We are eating tacos behind a Tace Bell as our demons are tormenting random people walking by" I say as he nods. He then smiles slightly.

"I am also very fond of theatre" he says.

"I noticed. You sang a whole song in mid battle. And danced as well" I state as he just shrugs his shoulders.

"So where is your place?" I ask as I throw away my trash and start the car.

He gives me the address and soon enough I drop him off at his place. I stand in the door to his apartment, which is surprisingly clean.

He quickly scribbles something on some paper and hands me it.

"Call or text me if you want. I do nothing all day so I'll probably answer" he says as I nod.

After we say by to each other I just head home. Wallace and Jimmy are passed out on the bed as I tell Wallace to move over.

He stirs for a moment and slowly opens his eyes. His hair is a mess and he moves closer to Jimmy as I lay down beside Wallace.

"What took you so long? " he asks me.

"I think I just found my soulmate" I say as I stare up at the ceiling.

He's Slick (Matthew Patel x fem! reader) Where stories live. Discover now