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Morning comes as I am painting my nails at the counter. Scott is in the chair complaining about how he doesn't want to break Knives's heart even though he's only fake dating her.

"Dude you gotta dump her" I say as Wallace nods in agreement.

That's when Jimmy exits the bathroom and Scott sits there somewhat sad.

"Hey! Double standard! " Scott says as I role my eyes.

"Yea? Let me remind you of Kim and I" I say as Scott's jaw goes slack as his mouth is open.

Wallace of course closes it for him and talks into his ear.

"Keep it open and I'll expect that you want something to be in there" Wallace says in a cool flirtly tone before he gets up to go greet his hookup.

"How many exes do you have Y/n? " Wallace asks me as I shrug.

"Dunno... Let's see we have Scott, my emo ex Gaige, that girl named Becky, Juno, Drake, Chris, and Xavier" I say as Wallace nods.

"See Scott? I told you having seven exes is a normal thing" Wallace says as Scott shoots him a glare.

"Well whatever. I'll call Knives right now then-" he goes to say as the phone rings.

He picks it up and says Knives is outside the door.

Wallace and I walk over to the door and we open it.

"Is Scott here? " she asks as Scott jumps through the window.

"Um you know what. He just left. Right sweet girl? " Wallace asks me as I nod.

"Really? " she asks as Scott reaches in for his coat.

"Yeah. Sorry. I would ask if you would care to join us in our sexual activities but unlike Scott we do not fuck minors" Wallace says as Knives gives him a confused look. Wallace is the most gayest man but he can say the straightest shit at time when it involves distractions.

"I thought you were gay? " she asks as I watch Scott run behind her and down the road.

"Mmmm yes. Men. Men are hot. But I have a soft spot for my home girl. Knives be for real now. I'm not omni, I'm gayyyy. Scott isn't here sweetie. Please leave now before I ask Y/n to summon her hipster demons" Wallace says as she leaves.

"I am going to see Scott's ex and Ramona's ex perform together in a few days" I say as Wallace realizes Ramona's ex is Todd.

"Fancy. Bring me home some alcohol? " he asks sweetly as I nod.

"Yes of course. Oh so Matthew Patel is chill. He's going with me. But... Hmmmmmm he should also go with when we see Lucas Lee tonight" I say as Wallace nods.

And later as Ramona and Scott are about to have a date in the apartment, that's when Matthew shows up.

"Okay so why is my ex here? " Ramona asks as she motions to the emo in the doorway.

"Cause I said he could be here. We are heading out to see Wallace's hetero crush. Enjoy your silly date" I say as Ramona sighs.

Later on as Matthew tells me that Lucas is another ex, I hand him a coffee and he starts bitching cause it has sugar in it.

"You want me to smack you upside the head? " I ask as he shakes his head no and downs the coffee.

One of my demon hipster dudes appear on my left as he tells me danger will occur. Then he asks if there is any new gossip and I shake my head no.

Scott and Ramona show up as Ramona tries to convince me to stop talking to Matthew.

"It's like you are a simp for him or something" Ramona states as I ask Matthew for his jacket. At first he refuses but when I act like I don't care suddenly I have it.

"Yes I am a simp" I say as I put the coat on, fix my hair so it covers my right eye and then I summon my demon hipster dudes.

"Secretly I'm Matthew Patel! " I shout as I start singing that one song Matthew say singing the other day. But I add my own spin onto it.

"If you want to fuck me! Ha! You're not the brightest! You cant ever rail me in the slightest! Me and my cool fingerssss, my demon hipster dudes. I'm moaning names, cause I am thicc! T! H! Icc! Ice finger dudes! Pin these suckers downnn! I can show them what I'm all about! " I sing doing mimics of the dance Matthew has done.

"That was hot" Matthew says as Scott says it was cool. Then the two start bickering back and forth about the irony and how it should have been used as Ramona is concerned for the lyrics of the song. Wallace however is hugging my side and saying he is proud.

That's when Lucas Lee enters the area.

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