Chapter XII

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Honestly fuck this shit. I mean Hatsumi deserve this more than I do, she'd work so hard for it. I was still in anger with UA's decision and blasting music screamed in my ears. It must've been too loud for I hadn't notice a guy behind me cuz I felt a tap on my shoulder. I took my headphones of to see a guy, a nerdy type but hot at the same time, bet all the girls would fall for him if he ditched the glasses. My side? he questioned. Whatever pleases you dude, I'm fine with anything I answered continuing my homework. Kay but if you've gotta any probs afterwards, ain't switching he continued placing his bag on the left side of the room, guess I'm right. He flopped onto the bed and gamed away. I'd tell you even wearing headphones are impossible to cancel out the screams. It didn't take five minutes till I'd had enough. -No, Kenji control yourself, last thing you want is to get a suspension letter- I took a breath and continued with work. 


I hate this Kenji dude, but too bad we're likely staying together cuz of my brother. Ughh I wanna kill him. I open the door to see only two beds and Satoshi yelling at the top of his lungs. Guess both of them didn't bother at all. Calling Satoshi is useless, so might as well try Kenji. I tapped him on the shoulder, he took of his headphones and looked up, I might have turned a bit red looking at his face. Omg he's kinda fi- out of anger! I red cuz I'm mad. You need something? he asked snapping me back to reality. You've got it wrong, I'm your roommate I said out loud. You're mistaken, this dude here is my roommate. Yep guess they hadn't inform you or you're just a blur case but we're supposed to share the dorm room as a three, guess they'd forgotten the other bed I chuckled. You can take the floor but the remark wasn't Kenji's,  of course it was. Satoshi. Why can't you? I shot back. Cause we came here first! Satoshi Moritoki shut the hell up, and I'm not gonna sleep on the floor! I yelled. SHUT UP! this was from Kenji, since you guys are related, you guys share the bed he continued. Hell no! we shouted in unison. Fine, you've got no choice but sleeping with me he said calmly before trailing off to his homework. 


Ughh seriously? How is Aohiro so lucky? Sleeping with a hot dude like him? I should've just given him my bed if I knew this hottie was offering for a partner. Aohiro was looking at me clearly thinking what I'm thinking. If you haven't guessed it already we're gay and it somehow ruined our relationship. I got bored and decided to do some studies since homework was done long ago (what happens when you're an antisocial). History huh? I turned my head around, to find my dickhead brother sitting beside me. What do you want? I asked visibly annoyed. He shrugged it off and got to his homework. Can you go to your bed? It's unoccupied I asked raising my voice. Can you guys kindly shut the hell up? this came from an angry Kenji. Chill out hothead I remarked. He grabbed his things and stood up, Aohiro being the nosy person he is had to question "where are you going" to Kenji. Wherever you aren't with that he slammed the door and stormed off. Great start Satoshi, great start Aohiro commented but I couldn't care less. 


Omg Toshiro you've gotta help me here? Let me hang out here for just today Kenji begged. I can't give you Fuyuyoshi's bed and I don't share I said. I'll take the floor just let me stay he pleaded. I don't know bout you but I'm pretty sure there's no room for three thanks to my stuff Fuyuyoshi said drying his hair with his towel. Why not one of you guys go instead of he said like he was some kind of genius who'd found a cure for cancer. Hard pass, the way you described were like sociopath and psychopath rivalry Fuyuyoshi said before remarked on his hair dryer. Sorry dude I said before he sighed and went out feeling defeated. Feeling guilty Fuyuyoshi asked as he dryed his hair. Not really I said with a chuckled. Fuyuyoshi is quite the guy who'd get you out of a situation like he did with Kenji's begging, I'm convinced that he did it to spare himself from the annoyance but he did me a favor. I'm hungry Fuyuyoshi states messing with his hair a bit. No nosebleed? Good job Toshiro. Then go and eat I answered. Can you tag along? Fuyuyoshi asks. No way I said almost immediate, he sighed and left. 


I got back to my room to see Aohiro gone while Satoshi was seated, his chin resting in his palm, his eyes shut, I suppose he dozed off. I closed the door and walked closer towards him, he's real hot I thought but shoved those thoughts aside but not for long. I sat beside him and stared at him briefly, the idiot didn't take his specs off. I took it off and placed it on his nightstand. Suddenly, I felt weight on me, I turned around to see that he fell on me. I felt my cheeks burn, I laid him on his bed, me right beside him. I could tell he was about to wake up, so I brought his face towards my chest and played with his messy hair. You're cute I chuckled, getting off the bed and tucked him in his blanket before leaving.


Heh so he's into dudes? This'll be interesting I thought out.

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