1 = Her awesomeness/Prologue.. not really..

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Hi, this is my first story,. I just really really really want to try this. Did I mention REALLY,? Haha, anyways,. I'm not begging you to read this, I'm doing this for me.. bleeh :P so, I just hope that you won't be rude if you don't like this.. I'm not a writer, just a wanna bee.. (peace).. don't know about grammar, tenses or whatever and I'm not a native English speaker, so don't expect tooooo muccchhh...

Thanks for bothering anyway..

Enjoy.. mwah.. :)

=thedorkdamsel :))))

Chapter 1 = Her awesomeness

Mom!!! Im home!! Elise yelled from the front door.. 

Liz, how many times do i need to tell you that you do not need  to shout! 

oh, sorry mom.. must've slipped my mind again.. :) she answered excitedly while dropping the groceries..

/sigh/ why are you so excited anyway? her mother asks frowning.. 

hmm.. nothing, nothing really.. everything's fine.. im going to my room now.. see you later,

teenagers.. her mom said frowning..

Elise cannot contain her excitement so she rush on her room, she doesn't have anyone to talk to that time,so she took a deep breath, she get her diary then begin to write..

Dear awesome,

Hi, This is Elise aka, your Awesomeness :)

Guess what?? Someone gave me a letter, and not just an ordinary letter!! its a freaking LOVE letter I know, I know.. I'm such a prude, naive and plain and everything, but who could blame me? its just so romantic, and I'm a romantic fool..

Yeah right, I'm crazy right now, speaking to you or writing? whatever, I don't make sense.

i dont really have a choice, as if, i have a lot friends, just you and my pillow,, >_

Anyways, A guy gave me a letter.. oh my freaking gossh!! its just that.. its a first time.. /sigh/

its very overwhelming, because he is a total gorgeous guy... as in Tall, Dark and Handsome!! yeah!!

but of course, even a plain and prude like me knows how to play hard to get.. bwahaha

as if we will be a couple or something.... How I wish! Damn Rules! Damn pact!

anyway.. im tired!! till next time amazing.. mwahh..

- Awesomeness liz,

Elise lie in her bed while holding the letter wondering what's the feeling of having a boyfriend or how is it to be in love.. But keeping in mind that in the name of all the saints in heaven and earth, she will never be Stupid over a guy.. and then she fell asleep,...


Palm face.. haha. I'm shy!! I'm a bad wannabee writer,. Pls bear with me.. :P

Thank yoooww!

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