Intro: Her thoughts

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Hi.. My name is Elise "Awesomeness" Del moral.. El or Liz for short.. I want to share my story to you because I just have this urge to share.. I don't really know if you care or would want to know my story but I'll tell anyway..

When I was in 3rd grade, I had a crush on one of my classmates named Jim which eventually fades at the end of the school year..When I was in the middle of 4th grade, I think I had a crush on one of my classmates named John, our classmates were trying to set us up,I remembered he gave me tamagochi- one of the famous toys back then and because we were young, it wasn't really serious, just puppy crush or puppy love.. John was my crush until I graduated in sixth grade but because my parents transferred me to one of the famous universities,eventually, my crush on John crashed too..

When I was in my first year of high school in the new school,new sets of students, teachers and environment, I was practically nervous but thankfully I saw my previous elementary classmate Ron, we became closer, we always eat lunch together, talking together, until of course,without realizing it I developed a little crush on him, okay maybe a huge crush on him, so eventually, I don't know how it happened that things became awkward, I guess it's just me, so we drifted apart.. He gained new friends, he became popular because he's a very good basketball player, while me, gained new friends yes,but not quite popular.. we still talked that time however, whenever he talked to me, it's either I blush, mumble or just be stupid.. then we just ended not talking anymore..

Then years passed, I was an incoming junior high school studen, I met a boy at the named Justin, of course, I developed a crush on him too, then like my previous story, it faded..

So if you've notice, all of it, I ONLY DEVELOPED A CRUSH ON THEM then eventually Fades.. Then when I was in my senior year, I saw one of my classmates cried over a guy, and I thought what the hell, is it the end of the world, why was she crying like some one died? Stupid!!

Then, weeks passed, I saw one of my classmates again, Lira hurt herself for a guy, I mean, really, she tried to cut herself for a guy?? Stupid!! I think she just want attention or something, you see,. I don't really get it why they did it that.. stupid girls, stupid!

Great, due to those amazing things I've seen, I promised myself that I won't be stupid for a guy, forChristsake, really?? As in never!! I will finish my studies,be a whatever,make lots of money, help my parents then settle down with a nice/handsome guy,have like 2 or 3 kids.. Simple!! That's what I want, a typical happy ending, until of course, faith, destiny or whatever bad omen happened in my life change almost all of it.. I became A STUPID GIRL!! Yeah!! Its me!! STUPID ME!! This is what the story about,.
A very complicated story of me being freakingly stupid over a guy, Yeah over a freaking gorgeous guy,. I became STUPID more stupid than those girls, I hate myself yeah, because I became the stupid girl I promised I would never be..


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