Chapter 7

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Goldenpaw sighed and tired from a long day on battle training with Ligerlight, Thornfur, and Spottedpaw. Goldenpaw sunk into his nest woven with nice bracken and vines and a few daisies woven into it. 'Hey Goldenpaw im back.' Copperpaw trotted in with a weird fresh scar on his face. 'What is that?' Goldenpaw mewed as Copperpaw just rolled his eyes 'Just a bite from a snake not a poisonous one.' Goldenpaw was suspicious but didn't want to bother his brother. He curled up into a ball of fur and went into a calming slumber.

Goldenpaw awoke in a desert field with barely any wild life; confused he would walk around looking at a large sandy den made out of sand stone and the smell of a cat he had never met. 'Goldenpaw.' Goldenpaw froze he was confused who said it as he turned around to see a Golden tom with long fur and an orange yellow mane with long teeth and claws. 'Are you a lion?' Goldenpaw asked the strange cat. 'No, im Lionblaze.' Goldenpaw now noticed a faint starry outline around him that shone in the deserted field ~This is the strongest warrior of Thunderclan!~. 'a great trouble is coming and you must stop it.' Lionblaze started. 'you have the strength of a lion my great grandson and you will stop the darkclaw from dividing the clans once more.' Goldenpaw's yellow eyes lit up as he asked 'What is the 'Darkclaw'?' Lionblaze shook his mane and meowed, 'The 5 clans broke apart because of the darkclaw, a group of evil spirits using cats to destroy starclan and this is what the clans will look like if they take over, no prey or home.' Lionblaze said sadly. 'but haven't the clans faced the dark cats before like how you and your siblings defeated hawkfrost and tigerstar?' Lionblaze would look down 'we defeated the generals but some got away and must have started this whole loop again after they knew we finally have passed to become elders.' A bright light showed in the sky with pictures of 5 strong cats with stars on their heads one crimson, one spotted, one white with speckles,one cream, and one blue. *past* ('Cats of all clans we are in grave danger starclan couldn't warn us fast enough and many warriors have died from thunderclan,windclan,and riverclan we have decided to combine thanks to Flowerleaf's idea to stay alive' Crimson star spoke as Spottedstar,Oceanstar,Lightstar,and Dapplestar nodded their heads in agreement.) 'So is that how Flowerclan was made?' Goldenpaw asked curiously. 'Yes, after the idea of merging ocean,crimson,and light star died soon after leaving the deputies fighting for leader role but a spirit of the three told that Flowerleaf would become Flowerstar and rule Flowerclan.' Lionblaze said. Goldenpaw was about to ask more questions but he felt a paw prodding him awake. 'Goldenpaw get up! its training time' Cloudpaw meowed. Goldenpaw got up to see Ligerlight and Mistedmiracle share tongues waiting for the apprentices. ~awh come on i was talking to my great grandfather. ~ Goldenpaw would walk out of the den to bask in the sun while waiting for his mentor. 'Goldenpaw, you and Cloudpaw will be practicing battle moves for your opponents.' Ligerlight said getting up to show the apprentices where they would be training at. Goldenpaw would walk with Cloudpaw exhausted from his dream and confused about how the greatest warrior visited him not Moonpool,Fernpaw,Or Squirrelstar. 'Hey Goldenpaw you ok? you don't seem to be yourself today.' Cloudpaw asked trotting along side him. 'I'm fine just have stuff in my mind.' He'd mew back.

'Ok so shadowclan warriors use camouflage to stay in the shadows so when you smell your opponent you must search the shadows carefully.' Ligerlight started swaying his tail for Mistedmiracle to help show the apprentices. 'Now Mistedmiracle will be a shadowclan warrior and i am a Flowerclan warrior watch and observe.' Mistedmiracle would slink into the shadows silent as a mouse as Ligerlight sniffed the air for her scent and followed it to where Mistedmiracle hid as Ligerlight swooped her off her paws. 'The best way to fight a warrior is swoop them off their feet, put a paw on their tail,and then one paw on their chest so they cant fight back.' Ligerlight explained as Mistedmiracle would stay limp and instantly push up as soon as Ligerlight gotten up 'Rule #3 dont look away from your opponent!' Mistedmiracle said playfully as she leaped on Ligerlight. 'Ill be shadowclan!' Cloudpaw squealed as she slink into the shadows; Goldenpaw could clearly see her white pelt but played along sniffing for her trail as she leaped on her and pinned her tail and belly. 'Now Cloudpaw you will go limp then roll away.' Mistedmiracle demonstrated. Cloudpaw went limp under Goldenpaw's large paws and rolled away. 'Great job, that should be enough training today.' Ligerlight said as the 4 trotted back to camp. 'Squirrelstar we found these Skyclan warriors outside.' Swifthare said.

(fanon) WARRIORS: the silver lightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora