Chapter 8

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'Thank you Swifthare.' Squirrelstar said. Opalpaw walked out her den hearing the leader speak to see a pale icy blue she-cat outside with an orange tom. 'Orangestar would like to rename the Flower field and take it back.' The she-cat spoke snarling. 'Icefern, if Orangestar wants to speak wait till gathering or bring him here.' Squirrelstar said smoothly but her green eyes showed aggression in them. The orange tom would speak up 'he would come but he is busy making new apprentices since Skyclan is overflowing with life.' Opalpaw would snarl quietly; she had heard how Skyclan cats were always boasting about new warriors every moon from Windrust tales. 'Firefern,Icefern i do not care about your new apprentices you must wait till the full moon gathering tomorrow' Squirrelstar spoke with ruffled fur. 'Cloudedfox, Mistedmiracle, take these Skyclan warriors off our border will you.' Willowoak spoke. Opalpaw watched the large tom and beautiful blue shecat walk off with the annoying Skyclan cats. A paw prodded Opalpaw as Softsong spoke 'Training time dear.' Opalpaw got up and nodded to her mentor as they would walk to Alderheart hollow; she had heard stories from windrust of a medicine cat name Alderheart and they name this place after the great medicine cat's history. 'This is the best place to find thrush and sparrows.' Softsong said flicking her tail to a newly made sparrow nest with blue eggs inside. 'can we eat the eggs?' Opalpaw asked as Softsong shook her head 'if we ate everything we saw no clans would have fresh prey during new-leaf' Opalpaw nodded watching Softsong crouch down to show her how to hunt a fresh bird keeping her light paws steady on the crunchy leaves to not make a sound. ~this is boring ive seen plenty of warriors hunt birds~  Opalpaw would watch Softsong leap on top of a thin thrush as Softsong spoke 'Weird prey has never been this thin, not even in leaf-bare.' ~Starclan thank you for the kill even though it's thin~ She'd sigh. 'Opalpaw now it's your turn i want you to catch that small sparrow over there, it's young so it'll be mouse-brained.' Softsong purred. Opalpaw copied her mentors orders and was about to catch the bird when she heard an odd hissing noise as the sparrow flew away. 'I heard a snake.' Opalpaw hissed quietly as she arched her thin ears back glaring at the bushes. 'yep that's the adder hollow, you will train there when your.... more experienced but for now lets get back to camp.'

'ITS HAPPENING THE KITS!' Opalpaw froze from the freshkill pile hearing Applefurs yowl from the nursery smelling milk. 'FERNPAW!' Opalpaw yowled seeing the medicine cat apprentice rush to the medicine den to get Moonpool. After a while she could hear mewling from the den as three small kittens would mew. 'They are beautiful..I wish their father got to see them..' Applefur said sadly licking the kits. 'We all miss Hazelbush i want you to be strong for him and your kits.' Moonpool said while checking the kits. 

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