Chapter 2; An Interesting one

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             Brads Russels Pov

I woke up this morning feeling a strong headache, well what's expected, it's the aftermath of having too much to drink. Checking the time and it's sharp 7 am.As expected I saw a pill and a glass of water lying on the bed bench at the left side of my bed. Knowing who kept it there I smile, I took the pill with the water and went to the bathroom to take a shower. While in the shower, I heard a knock on the door....I press the intercom above the shower. Come in Natalie I said, knowing fully well it was my maid. She has been my maid since I was a baby and she is like a mother to me. Even though it's her job to take care of things around the house, I fully applaud her for during so. I like things being in order at all times and she knows and does just that, and too within time as well. See! here she is coming to clean up my room, and let me shock you, with how extremely large my room is, she always finish cleaning before I'm done with my shower and infact she cleans very well. Sometimes I wonder if she's a magician. Coming out of the shower I saw a Desmond Merrion Supreme Bespoke suit which cost Us $47, 500 lying on my bed, I smile...indeed Natalie just don't know how to clean only, but also has great taste. You may wonder why is it I don't have another person to check out my suits for me,...well I do have an assistant, his name is James and he is also my best friend and right now he is fucked up and is suffering from hangover like I did some minutes ago. I put on my suit and headed downstairs, right away I heard the most precious and golden voice ever....'daddy! Good morning'
I turn around meeting with my legs being hugged. Quickly I picked up my little pearl and she giggles, there goes my ignite for the day. She kisses my cheeks and when I'm about to give her my own kisses, she refuses. "No daddy it's sloppy" she says. Haha look! who gives sloppy kisses I say, 'you daddy,' she feisty responds and then she turns her cheek indicating I place a kiss there and I do as she says and that's how it is every morning. After eating breakfast, I give my little pearl a kiss on the forehead, be good I told her. About to exit the house I heard 'be very good as well daddy' I laugh and say I will! Mi bon bon. As I exit the house I met Steve, one of my bodyguards. Take care of Heaven I say; yes Heaven is my daughter's name..and he responds with a nod, realizing his mistake he quickly corrects himself 'oh yes BOSS I will take good care of her'. Here I am, without any guards at the Moonlight Airways; My own Airway. At my arrival, there was no time wasted when my luggage was taken into one of my planes; one no other passenger would be within the first class section cause I hate getting distracted when I work, yes I work at anytime and anywhere. That's why I am a multi billionaire cause I earn my money the hard and smart way. Lest I forgot, I am going for a three-day business trip in Madrid the capital of the largest city, Spain 🇪🇸. As my flight has taken off, sitting in my plane with my computer before me, trying to synthesize the data I've gathered for a presentation I'm to give out during a business meaning, I heard clicking sounds of heels coming in. I thought I told those morons that I didn't want any distractions. Lifting up my head, my eyes met she's damn beautiful and HOT. Fuck! hmm an interesting one.

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