CHAPTER 1: Lost in another world

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     The year is 2095, and a mad scientist has invented a device that can create portals to alternate dimensions. One day, a family - father, mother, and son - are caught in the blast radius of the device when it malfunctions. The portal opens and sucks them in, transporting them to a strange and unfamiliar world. The father and mother are separated from their son, who finds himself alone in a world filled with magic and strange creatures.



Elias wakes up feeling lost and confused as he wanders through the dense forest. He doesn't know where he is or how he got here. He's only 8 years old, and he's all alone. Suddenly, he hears the sound of an arrow whistling through the air and sees it fly past him. He turns to see a young girl, only 6 years old, dressed in greens and browns. She has a bow and quiver of arrows strapped to her back, and she's glaring at him. "Who are you?" she demands. "What are you doing here?"
He's caught off guard, but he says
"I'm... I'm Elias," the boy stammers. "I'm not sure how I got here. I don't know where I am. Do you know this place?"
The girl narrows her eyes. "No, I don't. And I don't know why you're here, either. But you'd better leave. This is my village, and you're not welcome here."
"Please," Elias says, his voice trembling. "I just want to find my family."

"My name is Amber," the girl says, lowering her bow slightly. "I'm from a village of dwarves, who live deep in the forest. And I don't know how to get you home. But I'm not going to help you if you don't leave."
Elias looks around at the dense trees and the shadows between them. He has no idea how to get out of the forest on his own. And he doesn't want to anger the girl by refusing to leave. But he can't just give up on finding a way home.
"Please, just help me," he says."I'm not sure I can," Amber says, her tone softening a bit. "But I'll try. If you promise to go away after we find your way home."Elias nods, relief flooding through him. "I promise. I just want to get back to my family."
Amber looks at him for a moment, as if deciding whether to believe him. Then she says, "Come with me."
She turns and starts walking through the forest, moving with the swiftness of someone who has spent their life in these woods. Elias follows close behind, trying to keep up with her pace.As they walk, Elias looks around, trying to take in the sights and sounds of the forest. The trees are tall and imposing, with thick trunks and branches that seem to reach for the sky. The air smells of pine and earth, and the sounds of birds and insects fill the air. It's unlike anything he's ever experienced before.

They walk for what feels like hours, but eventually, they come to a clearing. In the center of the clearing is a small cottage, with a thatched roof and a smoking chimney. Amber leads Elias to the door and knocks.

  Moment later, the door swings open, revealing a man who is nearly as tall as the cottage itself. His beard is long and gray, and his eyes are bright blue. He looks at Amber and Elias, and a smile spreads across his face.
"Amber, my dear!" The man says, his voice deep and rumbling. "And you've brought a friend!"
"Yes, Papa," Amber says. "This is Elias. He's lost, and we're trying to help him find his family."
The man, who must be Amber's father, looks at Elias with a kind expression. "

"You are in the Dwarf Kingdom," the man says. "This is a land of magic and mystery, where humans are not often seen. But you are welcome here. Perhaps we can help you find your family."
"I don't know how to thank you enough," Elias says. "What's your name?"
"My name is Thorin, and this is my daughter, Amber," the man says. "Now, tell us about your family."
Elias tells them about his mother, father, and brothers, and how much he misses them. Elias tell Thorin and Amber everything he knows about his family and how he ended up in the Dwarf Kingdom. He is filled with worry and sadness, but he is also grateful for their kindness and hospitality. Thorin and Amber both tell him that they will do everything they can to help him find a way to get back home. They offer him a place to stay and food to eat, and promise to help him search for clues that might lead him to his family. Elias looks out the window at the night sky, wondering if he will ever see his family again.

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