CHAPTER 3: Saying goodbye to Heartstone

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Eli starts observing the blacksmith as he works. The blacksmith will notice that Eli is curious about what he's doing, and he'll invite Eli to help him. Eli will be hesitant at first, but he'll soon find himself enjoying the work and learning a lot from the blacksmith. Then, after a while, he'll head to the herb garden to learn more about the plants.He started to work on his own projects, using the skills he's learned. Perhaps he'll craft a dagger for himself, and use the herbs to create a salve to heal his cuts and scrapes. As he becomes more comfortable with his new skills, his confidence will grow, and he started to feel like he is ready to venture out into the wider world.He underwent some rigorous training, learning how to hunt, track, and navigate the wilderness. He learnt how to forage for food, build a shelter, and start a fire without matches. This will make him even more confident and self-sufficient, which will come in handy when he sets out on his journey.

As the weeks passed, Eli felt ready to start his journey, but Thorin and Amber tried to persuade him to stay.

"You're still too young," they said.

"You need more time to learn and prepare." But Eli was determined.

He knew that he had to find his family, and he couldn't wait any longer. He gathered his supplies and said goodbye to Thorin and Amber, promising to come back and visit them someday.

"Be careful," Thorin said.
"And remember what we've taught you."
"Now let me explain where you're going to on the map" Thorin says

"Heartstone is a small village in the Ember Hollow kingdom," Thorin said, pointing to a spot on the map.

"It's surrounded by a thick forest, and it's nestled in a small valley. The village is humble and simple, and it's only a short journey from the capital, Iron Keep. Iron Keep is a bustling city, full of trade and commerce. It's a center of learning and culture, and it's the heart of the kingdom. But at its heart is the people," Thorin finished.

"The people of Ember Hollow are what make it so strong. And Heartstone is the perfect example of that strength. A small village with a big heart, it stands as a symbol of the spirit of the kingdom."

Elias spent the next few days exploring Heartstone, getting to know its people and its culture. He learned about the village's history, its customs, and its traditions. He visited the marketplace, where he found a variety of goods from all over the kingdom. He tasted delicious food and listened to music from faraway lands. But most of all, he was struck by the people's generosity and kindness. They welcomed him into their homes, shared their meals with him, and treated him like one of their own. He felt a deep sense of belonging...and it made him wonder if he could ever leave Heartstone behind. But he knew that he had to. He had a mission, and he couldn't let anything stand in his way. So, he made his preparations. He gathered his belongings, said goodbye to his new friends, and prepared to set off on the next leg of his journey. As he walked out of Heartstone's gates, he took one last look back. He wasn't sure when, or if, he would ever return. But he knew that the village would always have a place in his heart.

As Elias walked out of the village gates, he felt a lump in his throat. He turned to say goodbye to his friends, Thorin and Amber. They were standing there, looking at him with sadness in their eyes. "Take care of yourself, Elias," Thorin said. "And remember, you always have a home here." Elias nodded, and he turned back to the gates. He took a deep breath, and then he stepped through them, and met with Alatar and the blacksmith.Together they walk  into the forest and head for the capital.

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