CHAPTER 5: Welcome to the human empire

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    Eli and Alatar Continue their journey,they stop to rest for a bit and enjoy the peaceful sounds of the forest. Alatar picks some berries, and they take a break to eat and enjoy the sunshine. They feel refreshed and ready to continue on their journey. And then, as they resume their walk, they come to the fork in the road. Which way should they go?They look down one path, then the other. They can't tell which way is the right way to go.Then, they hear a rustling sound coming from the trees. They turn around to see a small creature emerge from the bushes. It's a chipmunk! The chipmunk scurries over to them and sits up on its hind legs. It looks at them expectantly, as if it's trying to tell them something.

    "Do you think it's trying to lead us somewhere?" asks Alatar.

"Maybe it knows the way to the Human empire!" says Eli.

They decide not to follow the chipmunk. Instead, they continue down the path, enjoying the sights and sounds of the forest. They stop to pick flowers and listen to the birds sing. The sun is shining, and they feel at peace. Suddenly, they hear a loud crashing sound coming from the trees ahead of them. They stop and look at each other, unsure of what to do.

    As they listen, the crashing sound gets louder and louder. Then, out of the trees comes a herd of deer! There must be at least a dozen of them, all running and jumping through the forest. The deer run past Eli and Alatar, and the travelers watch them in awe. Then, they continue down the path. They're starting to feel hungry, so they sit down to eat the berries they picked earlier. But then, they hear the rustling sound again! What do you think it could be this time?they look around, they see a brown bear lumbering towards them! The bear is sniffing the air, and it looks hungry. Eli and Alatar scramble to their feet, unsure of what to do. The bear is getting closer and closer, and it's starting to look angry. Then, a voice calls out,

"Hey, you two! Get over here!" It's the chipmunk from earlier! It's standing on a rock, waving its tiny paw in the air.

    As they follow the chipmunk, the trees start to thin out. They see a glimmer of sunlight up ahead, and as they walk towards it, the trees disappear completely. They're standing on a hillside, looking down at a vast city. There are tall buildings, bustling streets, and people everywhere. They've arrived at the Kalank Dominion, the human empire! The chipmunk scampers off into the grass, and they're left alone on the hillside.As they walk down the hill, they come to a large stone archway. The archway is carved with intricate designs, and above it is a sign that reads "Welcome to the Kalank Dominion." They pass through the archway, and they find themselves on a wide avenue, lined with shops and stalls. The air is filled with the sounds and smells of a busy city. People are bustling about, carrying baskets and chatting with each other.
    As Eli and Alatar walk down the avenue, they notice that most of the people are dressed in brightly colored clothes. The women wear flowing skirts and blouses, and the men wear tunics and pants. There are children running around, chasing each other and laughing. Dogs are wandering through the crowds, sniffing at people's feet. And there are carts filled with all kinds of goods, from food to clothing to pottery. The people are speaking a language that Eli and Alatar don't understand, but it sounds lively and full of energy. Suddenly, they hear the sound of a trumpet.
    Eli and Alatar find a small inn, where they rent a room for the night. As they settle into their room, they notice that the furniture is very different from what they're used to. The bed is low to the ground, and the pillows are made of silk. The floor is covered with colorful rugs, and the walls are decorated with intricate patterns. Everything feels a bit foreign and unfamiliar, but in a good way. They decide to head out into the city to explore.Eli and Alatar decide to head to the center of the city, where they've heard there is a grand palace. As they walk through the streets, they notice that the buildings get grander and grander, until they come to a large square. In the center of the square is a huge palace, made of white marble. It's surrounded by lush gardens, and there are guards standing at the entrance. The guards wear uniforms of red and gold, and they carry spears.

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