Chapter 5: Prank

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uhhh i added new ppl into the f/o list! they're:
- bronya zaychik from hi3
- hanabi/sparkle (i'll refer to her as hanabi here) from hsr
- sunday from hsr (lmao)
- kaito. as in the vocaloid

ik penacony isn't even in star rail yet but shhhhh let me just. yea.

also i moved seele to the romantic f/os list :33

ok enjoy :)
It was a calm and peaceful day in the Oh Fuck No Household. Snow was still covering the area surrounding the mansion, which gave DRA Teruya the chance to play in it as much as he wants. He just hopes it doesn't melt anytime soon.

The moment he stepped foot onto the snow, fully clothed with more warmer clothing, the first thing that came to mind was building a snowman. He didn't have any carrots or buttons with him, so he immediately took off his boots and stormed back into the house for a bit.

He ran into the kitchen, nearly slipping on the freshly mopped floor. The good thing is, he managed to hold onto a nearby table strong enough to not actually fall. "Phew...close call..." He muttered in relief, before carefully walking further into the kitchen.

That's when he saw Hanabi and Sunday, seemingly doing something. "Maybe we can try putting this in!" The girl said, before picking up a...bottle of something, and pouring it's contents into seemingly a bowl. "I don't think we should put that in." Sunday commented, pointing towards another container on the table infront of them.

"What in the world are ya guys doin'?" Teruya asked, nearly startling the two. It doesn't seem like they noticed him walking in and nearly slipping on the floor. But then again, Teruya was pretty quiet.

"Oh! Teruya! Just in time~ We were just about to make something for Aunt Teri Teri!" Hanabi answered in excitement, before turning her head to look at a very much not excited Sunday. "Isn't that right, chicken wing boy?"

He lets out a sigh. "First of all, do not call me that. Second of are right. Though, I do not exactly approve of this that much either." Teruya tilted his head, before the realization dawned in him. "Oooh! So you guys are gonna prank Aunt Theresa?"

"Hahaha! Why yes! Exactly! It'll be soooo funny! Trust." Hanabi said, before giggling. "Hanabi over here decided to drag me here against my will. But it's not like the idea of pulling a prank once in awhile is a bad idea either." Sunday said, before his brows furrowed a bit.

"My main concern is...if we accidentally poison Ms. Theresa." He finished. "Oh you worry too much! I didn't put any poison in this, trust me." Hanabi said, gesturing to the bowl resting on the table infront of them right now. "And how could I really trust you on that? I had my back turned on you for a few seconds, and now I have my suspicions." Sunday remarked, crossing his arms as he looks at Hanabi with a blank expression on his face.

His eyes then slightly widened. "Ah, wait, Teruya. What was your main goal in coming here?" He asked. "Oh! I was gonna get a carrot. I'm gonna make a snowman." Teruya answered, a wide smile appearing on his face. "Ooh! Sounds fun! I'll definitely join you outside once I'm done with this super cool prank!" Hanabi said.

Sunday chuckled. "A snowman, huh? Sounds nice. Don't worry, I'll get the carrot for you. I'm pretty sure it's in the fridge."
"Aaand done! Hehe, I knew you'd look cool, Snowrizon." Teruya said. It's stupid how he came up with a name already for the snowman, but nonetheless, he's proud of the name he came up with.

He put his hands on his hips in pride, inspecting the snowman from head to...the bottom of it. Whatever it's supposed to be called at this rate. "Hmm...ah. Something doesn't look right. I think he needs a scarf." Teruya said, before hurrying back inside of the mansion, trying his best to be careful as to not slip on the snow.

However, before he could even take off his boots...


"Huh?!" Teruya looked up from the ground, his eyes now fixated on the opened entrance of the mansion (not like it was closed while he was outside, he left it open like the idiot he is). In a panic, the merchant  quickly took off his boots and ran inside of the mansion, only to immediately slip on the floor.

"Ack! Ugh...did someone mop the floor again?! I thought it would be dry by now..." He swiftly got up and kept on running, before finally reaching the living room.

That's when he saw Mei offering a glass of water to Theresa. He knew that something was up here.


"Haaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! It's the goddamn prank!" He yelled out, his voice echoing through the room. His voice was loud enough to Mei and Theresa's attention. "H-huh? What prank?" Theresa asked, grabbing the glass Mei offered to her and taking one sip from it.

"Hanabi...Sunday...! They—!"

"I backed out last minute."

"HYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!?!" Teruya jolted up, turning around to look at Sunday, who was oddly enough standing right behind him. "Wait. Hold on. What prank are you referring to, Teruya?" Mei asked.

"Let me be the one to explain. It seems like Teruya is out of order for now." Sunday said, gesturing to the shorter male, who was frozen in spot, face pale, and overall doesn't seem like he's having a good time. "Hanabi forcefully involved me into a sort of prank, where she...put random ingredients inside of the food she made for Ms. Theresa."

"Ugh...that...brat...!" Theresa mumbled in a bit of anger, but she decided to calm herself down, sighing. "Tell her that I need to talk to her soon. I think I have a few words to say to her." Sunday nodded. "Alright. Maybe we should involve Arthesia in this. She might need to know about this prank."

"Yes. Yes, yes, exactly! Tell her to come here too. Oh! And don't forget about Teruya over there." Theresa spoke, pointing her finger to the still frozen Teruya in question. "Uh, I'll deal with him." Mei offered, before walking towards the boy, grabbing him by his arm, and dragging him out of the room.
"And that's why we shouldn't prank others like that! Or else they'll get food poisoning."


"...Anymore questions?" Faruzan asked. It had been a few days now ever since the 'Accidental-Food-Poisoning Prank' Hanabi set up. The prank was talked about by nearly everyone in the household. Hikari laughed at it a few times, much to Maya's dismay.

And thus, Faruzan became aware of the incident too. She couldn't help but tell the story to her students! It's just that funny! But why aren't they laughing? ", Madam. The thing is Ms. Theresa not dead yet?" One of the three students asked. Faruzan fell silent at that, before nervously chuckling. "Ahaha...that's the thing. I do not know either. What a miracle!"

In the end, the food poisoning prank will always be a memory that will haunt not only Hanabi and Theresa...but Teruya and Sunday too in a way.

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