14. A Rotten Desire

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"Love is the most selfish of all the passions."

- Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers


It was 10 pm by the time Yuki arrived with her team at the scene of the crime. A familiar mansion was what awaited her, shards of broken glass were quickly spotted from the outside, the pieces laying outside from the interior  on the concrete ground which suggests the crime must've involved the suspect escaping from the inside, or a scuffle had happened too.

A feeling of dread flashes across Yuki's expression for a moment, as the scene of the crime took place at this mansion; Mika's mansion.

Yuki turns her head to one of the cars, an open door showing some of her officers trying to comfort and gain information from the woman in question. But Mika could hardly answer, as she was continuously sobbing and hyperventilating. Her reaction is far from the cold Mika that Yuki once knew, those tears were genuine, and her constant muttering of apologies and self-hatred were desperate.

Yuki signals her assistants to follow her while instructing the officers to guard the perimeter in order to prevent any disruption or manipulation of evidence. She's more or less gotten an idea of what happened since this isn't her first time going into a situation like this as she is a detective with high prestige internationally...... but this case might prove to be something more personal, just because of how bizarre the timing is that she was called by Mika to come here and see for herself what's happened.




As soon as they walked in the front entrance, they were greeted by a simple writing on the wall that was drawn in blood. The substance already long dry after Mika had discovered it first.

' Welcome Home. '  Was what it said.

" I don't like this..." One of Yuki's assistants, a female junior who shared relatively the same age as her, had said. " This feels all too eerie..." Her tone indicates she wasn't only referring to the bloody writing. It was everything else in the room that greeted them too.

It's the way how everything else seemed relatively clean, except for the blood on the wall and the broken shards of the window leading to the outside. Take those two evidence away, and it would've felt like just a normal day of returning to your home. Yuki thinks there might've not been much evidence of a scuffle..... though that does not disprove the theory just yet. There was still more of the room to explore.

𝒢𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓃𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓁.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz