Looking For Clues

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"There. I got some residue from the witch's mist." Alexis says as she and Starchild are examining around the ride the witch was around earlier.

"You've got a pretty good eye there Alexis." Starchild says as Alexis collects some of the residue in a bag.

"Oh. Thanks." Alexis says.

"So if you don't care I ask how come you're not asking me for a picture together or an autograph?" Starchild asks curiously.

"I am a fan yes but I don't believe in doing that to people. If it's offered than that's fine but I don't wanna come off rude to people by expecting things like that." Alexis says as she looks at Starchild.

"That's pretty kind. Most fans just kinda go nuts when they see me or my band mates. Just figured you'd be excited to be around me since your red headed sister Daphne said you had a preference for me over my friends like she does." Starchild says.

"Can we please just focus on the task at hand please?" Alexis asks as she looks away.

"Look if I've done something to make you uncomfortable you can say so. I won't be offended or anything." Starchild says as he looks at Alexis concernedly.

"It's not you. I'm just not much for being sociable with others for certain reasons." Alexis says.

"You mean because you can turn into a wolf?" Starchild asks curiously.

"Daphne told you about that didn't she?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"Yeah but you have no reason to be embarrassed. I think it's pretty brave you were fighting to protect Shaggy and Scooby-Doo. That took guts and I honestly like that in a woman." Starchild says as he smiles.

"If you're trying to make me swoon over you because you're a rock star please stop. I don't like having interest in people merely for their image." Alexis says.

"Sorry. I'm just used to girls automatically taking interest. You're different though. I like that. I honestly think it's pretty cute on you." Starchild says as Alexis blushes slightly.

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Alexis says as she playfully rolls her eyes.

"Meh. I can try can't I?" Starchild asks.

"Yes you can try. But perhaps after this is over we could take a picture together? You don't have to." Alexis says shyly.

"I knew you couldn't resist." Starchild says as he chuckles.

"Uh-huh. Get over yourself there hot shot." Alexis says as she smiles.

"But I'll do you one better. How about we take a few pictures together now and then another time you can come back to the park and us spend a day together? Sound good?" Starchild asks as Alexis takes out her phone.

"That would be nice." Alexis says as she hands her phone to Starchild as they take some pictures together.

"You look beautiful when you smile like that." Starchild says as he sees Alexis smile before handing her back her phone.

"Flatterer. Anyway we should take some pictures of the scene itself." Alexis says as she chuckles.

"No need. One scan with my special eye will tell us all we'll need to know. It puts the X in x-ray." Starchild says proudly.

"Cute." Alexis says.

"There's definitely a supernatural presence

at work here." Starchild says as he looks around.

"Huh? Hey listen to this." Alexis says as she taps her foot on the floor.

"Not bad but I am not into tap dancing. I am purely into rock 'n' roll! Whoa yeah!" Starchild says happily.

"Okay well one side sounds solid. And the other hollow. As if it's some sort of trapdoor." Alexis says before Starchild inspects the floor and finds door and opens it.

"It looks like one of the doors to the catacombs." Starchild says.

"The what-a-combs?" Alexis asks curiously.

"The catacombs are what we call the maze of hallways that run under the park. They give us access to any area including the main stage." Starchild says.

"I'll bet this is how the witch disappeared." Alexis says.

"Sounds dangerous. You should stay back." Starchild says.

"Oh no you don't. You're not leaving me out of the fun. Besides I like a little adventure." Alexis says as she and Starchild go down the door.


"Starchild did you hear that?" Alexis asks as she hears commotion ahead.

"It sounds like it's coming from the special effects lab. Come on." Starchild says as Alexis follows him to a lab where they find Fred, Daphne and Shandi.

"Fred, Daphne?" Alexis asks.

"Alexis, Starchild? I take it you didn't find the witch either huh?" Daphne asks.

"No. We just heard something coming from this way and decided to investigate." Starchild says.

"The only thing we found was this weird residue." Alexis says as she holds up the bag of the residue.

"We've checked this whole underground maze and nothing. We ran into this place when we couldn't get into the chem lab." Fred says.

"Sorry for that but I'm the only one who has the key. For the last few months chemicals have gone missing. So I keep the lab under lock and key. No one gets in without coming to me first. But follow me. I'll let you guys in." Shandi says as the group follows her.


"See? Empty." Shandi says.

"Hey is that a chemical analyzer?" Fred asks as he sees a machine.

"Pretty smart of you Fred." Shandi says in amazement.

"Oh I've got a couple at home. Hey do you think you can analyze this residue Alexis found? It's the residue from the witch's mist." Fred says as he holds up the bag of residue.

"Sure. Anything for a fellow chemmy." Shandi says as she takes the bag.

Rock To My Roll Scooby-Doo And KISS: Rock N Roll Mystery Starchild X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now