Splitting Souls to Pieces

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After Forrest and I ate breakfast, I disclosed to him that I would be visiting the Underworld this morning to check on Arn. After his state yesterday, especially when I left, I felt obligated to ensure he was okay this morning.

I took my path through Mother Gaia's cavern. No one was in the throne room this morning, which was odd. Usually, someone was about.

I entered the Underworld. I crept quietly into Arn's room.

Arn had gotten his hair cut. I watched him as he slept peacefully, a temporary bandage over his eye to protect it while he moved unconsciously.

His hand was outstretched towards the other side of the bed. I took it, holding it close to my chest.

I had noticed Arn's new scars since he had returned. I didn't look too closely at them. A scar ran across his hand and through to the other side. I was surprised his hand still worked, but I supposed it had healed since the wound was made. I touched the pale strip of skin.

I was on the forest floor, screaming in agony. A sword dropped through my right hand as I reached for the Black Daliah.

I snapped back to the bedroom. I had been a god for this long, but I still wasn't used to seeing others' memories.

I attempted to dismount the bed. My breathing was erratic. I didn't want to wake Arn in a panic.

There was more. Blood slipped between my fingers over an eye I wasn't sure was there anymore. The Black Daliah before me, a spirit trapped in a weapon. She wanted my blood.

I made it to the hallway, shutting the door as quietly as possible. I sank to the ground, heaving. It kept coming back to me in waves—missing magic and not sleeping and not eating. Blood and wounds and lost friends. A terrible loneliness and fear that no one cared for me anymore. Accepting that I was going to die.

"Lexington," Calliope was before me. "Are you okay?"

"I-I was trying to wake Arn, and I just wanted to surprise him, but I keep seeing everything he went through in that war."

"Slow down," she attempted.

"Mom," I started to cry. "We left him alone through all of that. He's hurting-"

"He's also growing," she reminded me. "Even plants must grow through mud, but he will be okay."

"I'm sorry that I abandoned him," I said.

"You'll have to tell him that in your own time," she assured me. "Why don't you go home and calm down? Talk to your friend Forrest; he also sees others' pain, right? Focus on your work for today. Come back for dinner. It will be okay for Arn and you."

"Okay," I nodded. "I-I'm sorry for causing this mess."

"It's not a mess at all," she assured me. "I'll see you later."


My mom was crouched outside my door. I thought I heard it close, so I got up.

"Are you talking to mice again?" I asked.

She smiled. "Just asking them to leave our humble abode. Breakfast?"

"I need to change into another patch," I leaned on the doorway. "The adhesive itches after too much wear."

She watched me stumble and almost fall. She gravitated to my side, guiding me along pathways I knew so well.

"You don't have to," I said. "I just get a bit dizzy after sleeping. I'm okay."

"Arn," she gave me a sad smile. "I love you, but you are not great at asking for help when needed."

I sighed. She was honestly correct in the least brutal way possible. That was my mother.

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