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Next morning:-

( Jungkook woke up by sunlight falling on his and he see beside and a smile formed on his lips seeing his love sleeping peacefully with cute pout hugging him).

Jungkook:- Aigoo my baby get up.

Yn:- *sleepy* hmm just 5 minutes pleasu *pout*

Jungkook :- no get up it's 9 in the morning so get up .

Yn:-*shocked screaming* what ? Omg I have to go school.

Jungkook :- aish it's only 7:50 in morning why are you shouting.

Yn:-*angry pout* then why did you lie to me hmmp

Jungkook:- to wake you up.

Yn:-* pout* I'm still angry* crossed arms*

Jungkook:- ok what you want tell me

Yn:-*excited* I want 3 ice creams.

Jungkook:- no only one

Yn:- pleasu🥺

Jungkook:- no only one

Yn:-🥺🥺 ok fine I don't want anything * with this she went to bathroom*

Jungkook:- aish this girl.

AT DINING TABLE:- (after getting ready yn went to kitchen to Take chocolate before she can take someone stopped her)

Lily:- *rudely* hey what are you doing here huh.

Yn:- unnie I want chocolate ☺️

Lily:- there is no chocolate go away from here.

Yn:- no kookie said he have chocolates* pout*

Lily:- *angry* who is kookie huh ? He is mine so just shut up .

Yn:- unnie he is mine ko-*cutt off*

( Lily slapped her hard that makes her fall on ground and make lips bleed).

Yn:-*hiccups and crying*  unn-ie w-hy d-id y-ou sl-ap m-e.

Lily:- hey girl act like a mature girl not like a pathetic childish girl jungkook doesn't like childish girl .

(With that she went from there ).

Jungkook:- yn yn wher-* cutt off*
(His words cutt off when he see yn coming outside from kitchen and sit on chair).

Jungkook:- hey yniee come here baby sit on my lap.

( But yn didn't came shook her head while looking down and she started to go away from there but jungkook catch her hand and asked).

Jungkook:- baby what happened to you.

Yn:- it's nothing jungkook.

Jungkook:- * confused* jungkook? Baby why are you calling me jungkook huh you used to call me kookie right?

Yn:- no I will not call you that I will just call you mr Jeon.

(With this she removed her hand from his and went to school).

Jungkook POV:- ( something is wrong she looks so dull and she never call me jungkook but today there is definitely something is wrong I have to know that).

How is it☺️ sorry if I did any mistake 🥺

MAFIA'S CUTE LOVE STORY Where stories live. Discover now