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    Two weeks in, and Vincent was already annoying the shit out of Y/N. A new employee, Jeremy Fitzgerald, had been hired to work the prize corner, and Scott was training him out front. That left Y/N stuck with Vincent in the back office where he was hitting her arm with a sticky hand he'd stolen from the prize corner. He was distracting her from the book she was reading, and no amount of vengeful glares could get him to stop.

     Finally, she snapped the book closed and stared at him with wide eyes. "What do you want," she demanded.

     "Awe, don't be like that, doll face, I'm just bored." Y/N scoffed and asked sarcastically, "Isn't staring at my pretty face good enough for you?"

     Vincent pouted and said, "No, your hair is covering it, and your book blocks it. You should smile more, pookie."

     "Don't make me call Scott."

     Vincent shut up and sighed, leaning back in his chair. He stared at the cameras while Y/N started reading her book again, once again interrupted. The door slammed open and Mike the security and maintenance guy burst in. He was out of breath and his eyes almost popped out of his head in concern. "Have you guys seen my Foxy plush? I can't find it." Y/N and Vincent glanced at each other before the former said, "Uh... no? Where'd you leave it last?"

     "In Scott's office, for safe keeping, but now it's gone and I know Scott doesn't have it 'cause he's been training Jeremy and I've been looking everywhere and I can't find it and I swear to god, if one of you took it, I'll find where you live and-"

     "Dude, hey, calm down, it's okay, you'll find it. We haven't seen it, but I'm sure you'll find it. Did you check the trash can by Scott's desk? It may have been knocked in there." Y/N tried to console the panicking guard, but Vincent wasn't helping. He quipped, "Maybe Jeremy took it to make out with," and made kissing motions with his hands, adding sounds to match. Y/N kicked him in the shin and he yelped, stopping to grip his leg and suck air through his teeth. Mike seemed to have calmed down a bit, laughing quietly and saying, "Yeah, thanks. I'll go check." As soon as he left, Vincent let out the smallest cry of pain he could muster, jokingly telling Y/N to kill herself.

     "And what if I do?"

     Vincent stopped wincing and shot his head up, saying, "Please don't," with wide eyes. "You're the hottest thing to happen to this company." Y/N arched an eyebrow and said, "What, so I'm an object? A crutch for the company." Vincent started apologizing profusely, but Y/N couldn't old a straight face. "Wait," Vincent said. "You're fucking with me, aren't you?" Y/N scoffed and shook her head in amusement, returning to her book. "Say," she said a couple minutes later. "You totally know where Mike's plush is, don't you?" Vincent was silent.



     "Vincent StClaire Bishop." More silence as Vincent pursed his lips. Y/N snapped her book closed again and said, "If you interrupt my reading one more time, I swear to god, I will smite you with the power of a thousand suns. Where is Mike's plushie?" Vincent looked up at her slowly, suppressing a smile as his eyes darted to the ceiling. Y/N followed his eyes and guffawed when she saw a red ear sticking out of the air vent. "You cunt," she muttered. She set her book on the desk and stood up, wedging the arm of her chair under the lip of the desk to balance it as she climbed on top. "Dude," said Vincent. "Be careful, I don't want you to hurt your pretty face."

     Y/N scoffed and stood up straight on the chair, wobbling a bit before stabilizing herself. She carefully undid the screws on the vent and pulled the plushie out. But right as she finished screwing the vent cover back on, the chair rolled out from under her. "FUCK!!" She yelped as she fell, closing her eyes tightly as she expected to crash either to the ground or on top of the hard desk. Collision wasn't found, however, as two strong arms caught her from the air. Slowly, Y/N opened one eye, then the other, clutching the plushie to her face. The voice of the man that caught her asked, "What did I just tell you not to do?"

     Just then, the door to the room clicked open, a voice asking, "Um, am I interrupting something?" Y/N recognized the voice as Scott's and scrambled out of Vincent's arms, moving her bangs back in front of her face. "No, nothing." She cleared her throat and handed Scott the plush, asking, "Can you give this to Mike when you have the chance? He's been looking for it."

     "Uhhh... yeah, sure." He took the plushie from Y/N and she pulled her chair up from the ground, sitting back down. Scott said, "I'm gonna ignore what I walked in on," looking back and forth between his two employees. "Y/N, I need you to walk Jeremy to UPS to pick up some packages. Vincent, you switch with Fritz."

     Without a word, Y/N rushed out of the office, glad to get away from Vincent. She shook her head and thought, "God, what an idiotic man. Why can't he take a hint? Maybe he thinks I'll go out with him if he keeps pressuring me, or maybe if I say yes he'll stop because he only likes the chase? Ugh, maybe I should just put up with it until one of us finds a better job." She reached the prize corner and found an overwhelmed Jeremy, children crowded around him and demanding prizes. "Yo, Jeremy," Y/N calls out to him. "Scott's taking over for a bit, come with me."

     "Finally," Jeremy cried. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. He and Y/N dodged hoards of children and ran out the doors onto the sidewalk, the night air refreshing them. "Thanks for the save," Jeremy said. He sighed in relief and smiled at Y/N.

     "No problem. We gotta pick some stuff up from shipping." She couldn't help but notice the question mark plastered where Jeremy's face should have been. After a minute of silent walking, Y/N cleared her throat and asked, "So... if you don't mind me asking, uh... what's with the...?" She used her pointer finger to make circles in front of her face. Her companion smiled and said, "I don't mind, I'm used to it. My mom's an object-head. Her whole head is a question mark. I think I'm a diversity hire."

     "Pfft, nah, Vincent's all the diversity we need. I'm sure you'll do fine."

     "Eh, when I took the job, I didn't realize I'd be swarmed by ankle-biters. It's overstimulating."

    "That's why you get earbuds."

     "Oh yeah. Hey, I haven't met Vincent yet, but I haven't heard anything good about him. Should I stay away from him?"

     "I mean..." Y/N sighed and shoved her hands in her pockets, frowning at the sky. "He's... definitely out there, if you catch my drift. You're young and timid, no offense-"

     "None taken."

     "-So, he'll probably try to start shit with you. As long as you stick with Mike and Fritz, though, you should be fine. He doesn't really get physical, he just thinks everything is a game for him to win. He doesn't mess with Fritz 'cause he's a big dude. He won't hesitate to hit that purple cunt with his flashlight or a pipe, and Mike knows how to throw down, so you'll be fine."

     "What about you and Scott?"

     "Scott can't really do anything cause he'll get fired for being physical, and he's tried to let Vince go a few times, but Afton won't allow it. I bet he has a file of complaints as long as the wall of China. And y'know, he flirts with me a lot, but it's probably because he's never felt the touch of a woman before. I always manage to talk him down."

      Jeremy nodded and the two entered the post office.


Pages: 3.9

Words: 1395

Sludge // OG FNAF Night Guards x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now