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"Because I am greedy for the sight of you...Because I find I don't want to fight for a future ifI can't find a way to make a future with you." -Nikolai Lantsov


Wolfhelm Insider

The Queen Mother, Accalia Regalis, has been found dead at Wolfhelm Palace. Natural causes were ruled as the cause of death. 

I had never seen my mother as a vulnerable creature. Even when she was going through one of her episodes, her power radiated around her. If I described my mother to you, you would think she was ethereal. Her skin was dark, her hair coiled, and her eyes the signature silver only a Regalis could possess. The Regalis family tree was diverse with ancestors from all over the world. I'd never met my grandfather, but from the paintings I'd seen, she looked most like him, the only difference being the color of their eyes.

She was dressed in her favorite purple dress with a necklace my father had gifted her around her neck. It wasn't worth much at all, made from semiprecious crystals and aluminum but it was her most prized possession because he had made it for her.

The oracle stood behind the pyre my mother's body was on. His blue and gold ceremonial robe shone under the moonlight, a moonstone clasped in one head and a religious text in the other.

I wasn't a particularly religious man. I believed in my goddess but I had never made an effort to visit the temple as much as I should have, but somehow I could feel her presence all around me at this very moment.

"We gather here today to commemorate the life of Queen Accalia Regalis whose reign was full of prosperity and good doings. The queen lost her mate early in her life and raised her son all by herself. She was not only a ruler, but a mother. A mother to her son and a mother to us all. Her presence will be greatly missed..."

He continued talking and then I felt a hand grasp mine. A rush ran through my hand and straight to my heart, making it beat faster than I thought was possible. It was a surprise to see Aashni here but her presence was a comfort I didn't know I needed. I squeezed her hand as a thank you.

"Would you like to say any words, Your Majesty?"

I went to say no but Aashni squeezed my hand harder.

"You will regret it if you don't," Aashni whispered.

Every part of me wanted to stay silent but I listened.

"My mother was a strong woman. She ruled this kingdom all by herself and she did it with grace. Her love for the people was her driving force and I can only hope to be half the leader she was," I said, my eyes on my mom.

"I'm sad to lose my mom but a part of me is glad to know that she will get to be with her mate again. They have been apart far too long," I finished.

The oracle smiled and began to read from the book in his hands.

"Today, Accalia Regalis will join the goddess, our creator. Death is inevitable and hard for those of us left on this earth but for the soul, it is the moment of returning home. We are not meant to live forever. Many people wish for immortality, for themselves, and for their loved ones, but it is our mortality that makes all our moments worth it. The grief, the heartache, the happiness, the joy, we feel all of those to their fullest extent because we never know when it will be our last day," the oracle preached.

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