Home Sweet Home《Eddie Brock》

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(Daughter Reader x Father Eddie Brock)
Just to be clear lol, you're Eddie Brock's daughter, (Y/n) Brock
Song recommendation:
Iris by Natalie Taylor
! No Warnings !

I've been standing infront the school for around 20 minutes now.. with my dad. He appears to be VERY worried about me attending a public school.

All my life I've been homeschooled by my mom and her husband from when I lives with them. Now that she's ..dead, I wanted to move into my dads apartment instead of staying with moms awkward french husband, Louie.

"Do NOT eat the tomato soup in the cafeteria! Last time I found bits of glass in it, thats how I got this" he said while pointing to the rather big scar on his tounge. "Oh! And don't talk shit about Miss Smith behind her back, she always finds out.. Its kinda creepy to be honest." My dad kept babbling about what to do and what to not do.

"Dad, I'll be fine" I chuckled. My mom and dads relationship was never good, my mom pretty much never let me or dad visit eachother. I mean, I know moms husband more than I know my own dad.

"Yeah.. right, sorry" he said while looking down to the ground. I made him sad didn't I? Just as I was about to speak again he beat me to it.

"Dude, shut up." He muttered, while turning his head to the side a little. "Sorry what?" I ask slightly offended. He turned back to look at me again with wide eyes.

"Shit no sorry, I didn't mean it towards you." He quickly stated, while awkwardly putting his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him wierdly, "Then who did you say shut up to?" I asked while looking around to if he said it to anyone behind me.

"Uhh that dog.. over there, it just kept barking" He said while pointing to a golden retriever across the road. Of course there was no dog barking, only a dog sleeping near a dumpster.

I raise my brow and give him a 'really?' look. He sighs as he removed his hand from my shoulder.

"Look, this whole parenting thing is something I'm very new to right, so I can see that things get a little awkward between us right now, because last time I saw was when you were nine years old..." he started off. He took a deep breath before continuing, "So how about you skip school today, and we go shopping or whatever you like to do, you know, to get to know eachother better" he finished.

'Wait.. Did he just say skip school?' I thought to myself as I tried not to laugh at how hard he's trying. Though at the same time, It feels kinda good to know he would actually let me skip school so I can get to know him better than I already do.

I gave him a small smile and nodded as I furrowed my brows. "That would actually be really nice." I softly respond.

He smiles as he opens the car door, "After you" he says while signaling me to enter the passenger seat.

As we both now sat in the car dad started the engine and drove away from the school I'm supposed to be inside in this very moment. "Still into donuts?" He asked while giving me a glance before turning his gaze back to the road.

"Hell yeah" I answerd while smiling at him. Dunkin' donuts used to be our favorite place to eat, apparently it still is.

After around 10 minutes of driving we finally reached dunkin' and we both exit the car with huge grins on our faces.

We enter the shop and instead of checking out the meny first dad makes his way towards the cashier.

"Hey, uh one chocolate donut with sprinkels but but only the blue sprinkles, and one vanilla donut with strawberry jam filling.. oh and two mugs with hot chocolate and cream on top." he ordered, I stood behind him with my jaw wide open. "That will be 17.95 dollars, sir." The woman said while giving my dad smile. He returns a smile and takes out his credit card.When the payment went through he put his credit card back in his wallet and turns back to me. He sees my shocked expression, "what?"

"How the heck did you even remember that?" I ask as I start to laugh. I always ordered vanilla donut with raspberry jam, sadly dunkin' didn't have that type of donuts where I lived with my mom and Louie. Man have I missed the taste of the sweet pastry made from heaven.

"Because when you left to stay with your mom it felt so wierd coming here alone so I kept ordering the same." he shrugged while wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Come on, lets find a table." He smiled down at me.


Eddie's pov

We both agreed to finish our donuts and the mugs filled hot chocolate but here we are, an hour later we still sit here laughing our ass' off like we're some drunk idiots.

'Eddie, I think you forgot something' I heard Venom say in my head. In fact Venom has been speaking to me all day, almost exposing me. I really don't want (Y/n) to know about Venom, I just got her back and I refuse to lose her again.

I ignored Venom and kept talking with Y/n. 'Eddie! Give me your stupid donut!' Venom yelled in my head making me quietly wince. Though it doesn't go unnoticed by (Y/n). "Dad, are you okay?" she asked concerned.

"Y-yeah I'm fine kiddo, I just have to use the restroom real quick." I said while standing up. I looked at her unfinished donut and then up at her. "You gonna finish that or..?" I asked her, pointing to the half-eaten donut on the plate in front of her.

Y/n looks down at her plate and then up at me again, she gives me a confused expression as she grabs the donut. "You sure you're okay?" (Y/n) chuckled as she gave me the halfeaten donut. "Yes I am completely fine, thank you, I'll be quick!" I respond as I held the donut and rushed to the men's restrooms.

I stopped infront of the mirrors and made sure the door was locked. Just as I expected Venom's giant slimey head came out of my back once we were in the clear.

"Took you long enough." Venom said as he munched on the donut I gave him. I gave him a death stare, the bastard made me look like a total idiot in front of my own daughter.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Are you trying to get us exposed!" I whisper yelled at him, Venom only looked at me like I was the most stupid man on earth.

"Eddie, she will not only move in with you, she will also move in with me. Just think about it, I could be her super chill, cool uncle." Venom said as he had now finished eating his donut.

"Wether you tell her today or tomorrow, she will find it out eventually." He continued. I let out a sigh knowing Venom is right on this. I looked at him and chuckled, "Since when did you get so wise?" I said while smiling at the black slimey alien that I call my friend.

"What do you mean, I've always been this wise.. stupid human." He said with sass while muttering the last part, thinking I wouldn't hear him. I just rolled my eyes at his annoying behavior, and shortly after left the restroom.


(Y/n)'s pov

"Aaand here we are, home sweet home." My dad said as he opened the door to his apartment, well I guess its our apartment now.

The place looked pretty clean and cozy. Maybe this won't be so bad as I thought.


Might make a part 2!

✰ 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 ✰ 𝘏𝘗 ⋆ 𝘐𝘕𝘝𝘊𝘉 ⋆ 𝘔𝘊𝘜 ⋆ 𝘋𝘊 ⋆ 𝘚𝘞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang