Savior《Mattheo Riddle》

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(Animagus Reader x Mattheo Riddle)
Song recommendation:
Heavenly by Cigarettes After Sex
! No Warnings !
| Guys I'm starting to run out of ideas already 💀 |


Mattheo's pov

Me and Theo were walking around in the forbidden forest looking for some ingredients for potions. We had detention because we started a fight with Mclaggen, he was getting on my nerves so I broke his nose. Theo joined the fight because Mclaggen's friends were joining in as well. Now we're stuck here all night, Hagrids back at the cabin working on another list of ingredients for us to find.

"Uhh I think.. 2 small bottles of unicorn saliva is next" Theo said slightly gagging. I agree with him though, it is disgusting. "Yeah well for all its worth, thank you for having my back there" I said with no emotions in my voice. "Of Course bro, it's what mates do!" I chuckle at his words.

An hour later we were still trying to find a bloody unicorn to steal saliva from. Theo was looking at the right side as I was looking at the left. I was highly concentrated on finding a stupid unicorn so we could get back and get some sleep, until we heard a howl. I immediately realized what creature was lurking around and turned to look at Theo, who was already looking at me. I could see his face starting to get pale from the sudden fear. I then looked up and saw a full shiny moon hiding behind the trees.


"If that's what I think it is, we should probably go right.." Theo muttered, and I looked at him with an expression full of fear. "Like right now!" He whisper yelled to me. "Yeah.. lets get the hell out of here" I said, turning back to where we came from. "Wait, what about the list?" Theo whispered. I rolled my eyes. 'Seriously..?'

"Theo screw the list! If we stay here any longer we might become a lucky werewolves dinner!" I yelled while walking back to the school, quickening my pace slightly.

"M-mattheo..." Theo whispered and stopped walking. "What now?" I sighed, turning around, only to find a big bloody werewolf standing now in front of us.

"Don't, move" I said very low and slowly. I know Theo has a fear for werewolves so this must be very traumatizing for him.

We stood still for a couple of seconds until the werewolf howled again, scaring Theo and he started to back away. "Theo, don't- dammit!" I whisper yelled at him. The gross looking creature saw and started to come towards us. He was now towering over me.

"Wow dude, ever heard of personal space" I said sarcastically to the manwolf. It growled at me. "Mattheo don't" Theo said slowly knowing it would attack me if I kept talking.

The werewolf rose up to his two legs, and I closed my eyes waiting to be tackled, ready to fall on the ground bleeding out. But to my suprise the werewolf never came in contact with me. I opened my eyes to see it get attacked by a..... dog? I quickly looked at Theo who was just as confused as I am. The dog was not small but not that big, its fur was this (Y/H/C) color with neon yellow eyes.

I couldn't take my eyes off it, the dog I mean. It was beautiful. My full attention was on the dog as Theo tried to pull me away, but it was like I was in a trance. Theo finally managed to pull me away and we started running towards Hagrid's hut.

We were stuck in the hut for a while. Hagrid was in a meeting with the ministry of magic so we were all alone there.


"Mattheo, it's almost been an hour, do you think we can go back yet?" Theo asked while every once in a while looking out the window.

"Nah mate, the moon is still full and shining upon the sky" I sighed "Looks like we have to stay here a little longer" I say feeling tired.

I was walking towards the couch as I see Theo dead asleep. As I was about to join him on the couch I heard a knock on the door. I hesitate to open it but give in after a couple seconds. I open the door to see no one standing there.

"Hello?" I say quietly trying not to wake Theo up. I shrugged and closed the door. I turned around and that's when I saw the dog, the dog that saved us from the werewolf about to attack us. Its mouth was covered in blood dripping down to the floor, as it did the dog staring innocently into my brown eyes.

'It must have got in when I opened the door.. wait so that's who knocked?!' I thought to myself as I was staring at the dog. It tilted its head, slightly confused, it was wagging its tail so I took that as a hint to step closer.

"Thank you, for saving us back there" I said, sitting down slowly in the chair in front of the dog. The dog almost immediately jumped in my lap as I sat down. Normally I would push any animal or person, mostly girls, that was sitting on my lap off, but I let it stay as a thank you I guess, for saving our lives.

I did still not understand how such a small creature could take down a werewolf, but it did. I must say I'm highly impressed by this dog. I grew tired of calling it 'it' so I looked down to get answers for which gender it was. As I did I must have disturbed it as it growled at me for checking its private spots. "I'm guessing you're a lady then" I chuckled.

(A/N: I honestly hate this, sorry if it's bad🙏🏼)

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