Two Little Beans《Hal Jordan》

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(Reader x Hal Jordan / Green Lantern)
Song recommendation:
No by Meghan Trainer
! No Warnings !

"Come on, (Y/n)!"

Hal followed three paces behind (Y/n) as she walked around her place of work. This had been his 13th? 15th? attempt at asking the girl out, but as usual, the harsh answer was no.

The Green Lantern's favorite part of 'getting the girl' is the chase, but at the rapid rate his rejections from (Y/n) (Y/l/n) were going, this was looking more like a marathon.

"My friend scored us dress circle seats in the theater: a nice, melodramatic soap opera for a hot couple to enjoy."

"I hate opera." You respond in a cold tone.

"You don't have to like it to still enjoy it. Come on, I've been hitting you up for a month now. I'm a Green Lantern, for God's sake, it shouldn't take this much work to score a date with you," He sighed.


Oh boy. Here we go again.

"Okay. Okay. New offer. I can get us ringside tickets to the ultimate fighting championship. There's nothing that'll make women's hearts pound more than watching two ripped dudes pounding out their frustrations."

"You seriously think I'd want to watch to sweaty men fight each other with you beside me...?" You say as you raised an eyebrow.

"Uh. Well. It's a show of strength. It demonstrates the masculine virility of the human spirit, and how we're able to conquer our base impulses... or something..."

"It's not that deep, Hal." You sighed, growing annoyed.

"Right. Right. Right." Hal looked around. "How about that new Italian restaurant. I'm told they have the absolute best pizza in the county. Maybe some lasagna would help change that stubborn heart of yours."

"I don't like lasagna."

"You don't like lasagna?!" Hal's voice rose a pitch too high. "How in the heck can you not like lasagna? I know you don't care for opera or sweaty dudes beating each other senseless, but I thought for sure you were a pasta person."

"I like pasta, just not lasagna." you shrugged.

"Okay. Okay. Let's get the whole spectrum here. Favorite dish to order at an Italian restaurant?" Hal asked.

"The check, cause it ain't gonna happen."

"Damn it, (Y/n). How can I ever win you over if you refuse to come to me without even giving me a chance?" Hal was getting frustrated, and it was written all over his face and in his voice.

You roll your eyes, "Just give up, Hal."

"But I don't want to give up. I'm a Green Lantern— I won't give up until the fight is won. A woman's heart is a prize worth winning, ain't it?"

You just groaned and crossed your arms.

Hal scoffed, his bravado coming back with full force and his confidence returning. "Look here, if my persistence isn't enough to win you over, my charm and good looks certainly will."

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