Heated Vacation《Damian Wayne》

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(Reader x Damian Wayne)
Song recommendation:
Soaked by Shy Smith
! Warnings: making out, very touching, bad language !

You and Damian walked along the shore. He seemed annoyed with being there by the constipated look on his face. Bruce had taken them all on vacation to a beach house, and Damian wasn't taking leaving Gotham too well. He wanted to go back to patrolling the night, not playing in the sand. So you being the closest to his age aside from Tim, were sent out to help him have fun.

"So, what do you want to do?" You asked, while fiddling with a plain rubberband.

"Anything that involves us going back home sooner." Damian grumbled.

"Oh come on, don't be like that." You scolded him slightly as you gave his shoulder a little nudge.

Damian just rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'm just not in the mood for this. This is stupid." He turned away from you and began looking out over the ocean. "This isn't Gotham, I don't belong here. This is a waste of time."

"Damian. You're currently in heaven. Gotham is literally hell." You argued with a smile.

"Yeah, right." Damian huffed in response. "This is nothing BUT hell on earth. I don't know how anyone can find this boring, mundane crap fun. It's just a bunch of hot sand and water. I'm not a damn sucker who finds joy in something so mindless and stupid like this."

"So I guess I'm a dumb sucker then?" You narrowed your eyes at him.

"Yeah, pretty much. Have fun being the world's most gullible idiot." Damian muttered sarcastically, rolling his eyes again as he crossed his arms.

You smacked the back of his head with an annoyed expression on your face.

"Hey!" He shouted, turning around to face you. "What the hell was that for?" He grumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Do not call me an idiot, Wayne." You replied with a glare.

"Fine, I won't call you an idiot. I'll just think of you as one instead." Damian retorts with an equally annoyed tone, rolling his eyes yet again.

"Alright, you crossed the line, buddy." You push him with much force towards the water.

He tumbled a few feet backwards, losing his footing. His expression was one of shock as he ended up in shallow water. "What the hell was that for?" He shouted angrily, standing in the knee-high ocean water.

"For being an asshole." You said firmly as you crossed your arms in front of your chest.

"So the correct response to name-calling is physical altercation?" Damien asked, frowning. "Very mature. But I guess I shouldn't expect much more from someone as brainless as you." He sneered.

"I swear to god, Damian." You warned as you pointed your finger at him.

"Or what?" He challenged, crossing his arms and giving you a sarcastic smirk.

"You're gonna throw me in again like a little immature child? Go on, go ahead and try it. If you think you can do it." He continued to taunt you, daring you to do something.

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