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[01.] || "𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅, 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒃𝒚."

𝚃ommy had made it back that evening, parking his car just outside of Polly's home within the city limits of Small Heath. Rain had just begun to touchdown along the ground, creating his already black leather shoes to become covered with the soot that the industrial area bred all too easily. He knew Polly would rip his head off for it so a good scoot across the welcome mat was the best idea he could come up with.

He made it into the small home, the scent of a stew hitting his nostrils and making his stomach stir inside of him. He hadn't noticed his hunger until he had taken in the smell. His mind was struggling with the depths of something else.

Arthur could be found in the living room, a cigar in hand and a glass of whiskey in the other. It was no secret that while in the War, he had found his brother more prone to find alcohol wherever he could. It helped him cope with what he had seen back in France. He was scrappy in a sense, something that Tommy would later find as harmful rather than helpful.

Arthur stared at the fireplace before him, the crackling of wood and soft embers rising into the chimney. He took slow swigs from the whiskey in his glass before noticing the presence of Tommy, who held a calm yet hard expression upon his face. Arthur nodded once in his direction before a young John had entered the living room with Polly following behind.

"How'd it go?" Polly asked, moving to sit in a decorative chair that sat in the corner of the room.

Tommy only let out a sigh and moved to sit on the couch next to Arthur, lighting up his own cigarette.

"It didn't." Tommy mumbled to which John shook his head response and scoffed.

"Want me to give him a piece of my mind?" Arthur could be heard from his seat beside Tommy, a look of anger on his face.

Tommy had been trying to get into contact with James Davies since the start of the summer. James had been selling horse after horse to the male until one day, there was no supply left. Tommy was curious which is why he made his presence known at the farm only to meet either a daughter or wife. The older man had gone completely MIA and the woman he met wasn't much help either.

"Giving him a piece of mind only makes our supply no longer available." Tommy responded, taking a long drag from his cigarette as his mind swirled with ideas. "I do have an idea in mind, though."

John perked up at this. He always loved Tommy's ideas then again he was young, impressionable, and couldn't go against the path that was already paved for him.

"And what's that?" Polly questioned, leaning back in her chair with a stern look on her face.

"There is a girl.." He trailed off as Polly cursed at the middle brother.

"Christ, Tommy, this is what we've come to?" Polly reprimanded as Tommy looked to his stubborn Aunt with almost a sparkle in his eye.

"Just listen." Tommy retorted as the three adults stared at the male either bewildered or knowing where this was exactly going. "I met her today. She was taking care of two horses in her stables. I'm sure she has little self defense skills compared to us men, but she knows everything about those animals."

"I could've told you that." Arthur chuckled, downing what was left of his liquor and standing to refill his beverage.

"I say, we get under this man's skin." Tommy said with a smirk, taking his very last drag of his cigarette before putting it out in the crystal ashtray that Polly owned. (And the only one she could afford to.)

"Under his skin?" John questioned, curious to what he was getting on with.

"We take her." Tommy spoke, standing from his seat and pacing the room as Polly shook her head.

"You've absolutely lost your mind, Thomas Shelby." She scolded as Tommy held his hand up in her direction to halt her from anymore lectures.

"He's bound to come out and make a deal with us at that point. It's all in the palms of our hands, boys." He spoke with a sudden sly smirk on his face.

It took the other two brothers a moment to come up with the words to say while Polly sat in utter disbelief.

"When do we start?" Arthur spoke up, eyes on his brother.

"Dawn." Tommy answered.

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