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[02.] || "𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒕𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒔..."

𝙹une had woke with a pit in the depth of her stomach that morning. The rain had continued throughout the night, leaving her to stir with the idea of the Shelby's. Truthfully, June hadn't heard from her Father the last few nights. Maybe he was off making money or maybe he was off on his latest bender, with a young woman by his side to make him feel worthy.

Although June seemed to have so much love in her heart for her Father, it had become apparent he had demons of his own to fight. She spent the majority of her days since she had turned eighteen with a chip on her shoulder and a need to learn how to take care of a home, horses, and mending the garden that held vegetables that fed herself and the animals she cared for.

Her Mother had ran out of the home when she had turned eighteen, leaving them with not much but each other and the horses. She had taken the fortune with her and each night June would still pray for her. How silly of her to do so considering the older woman wasn't doing so for her own daughter.

She was slow to rise from the bed, noting that it couldn't be any later than six in the morning. She wrapped a silk robe around her small frame before making the walk down the hall, noticing the small leak in the ceiling of the home that let in the rain. It had been this way for some time and she hadn't the money or knowledge to get it fixed. So instead she found the steel pale she had been using for some time and placed it under the leak, praying that the roof didn't cave in on itself.

She made her way down the stairs, her bare feet cold against the hardwood floor. It wasn't until she had stepped onto the old and rundown rug that she found some sort of warmth. She tiptoed to the fireplace to begin start it up with the help of a few matches and luck. She had learned this when she was thirteen, her mother and father urging it as it would one day be a necessity to keep her own family warm.

Now she was twenty-five and there was no family to speak of.

She gulped down the lump that had grown in her throat and sat nearest the flames, letting it envelope her in a warm hug that she hadn't truly received in a long time.

It wasn't until a knock at her door had startled her in her quiet place of solace. No, not a knock but loud thuds. Her brows furrowed and she was quick to stand, grabbing the closest thing she could find which happened to be candelabra on an accent table against one of the walls near the entry way of the living quarters.

She crept to the front door but that had quickly come to a halt when the door had been pushed opened by a large and lanky figure. He snickered as he fell into the foyer of the home, spotting June with the candelabra and ready to strike at any moment's notice. 

Blood could be found running down his brow, showing his struggle with whatever must've happened behind that door itself. She was quick to take a strike at the man who dodged it and shook his head at the attempt.

"Bloody hell, you have awful aim." He commented as the girl then took her chance to throw it at him. Whatever body part she hit, she didn't care. She'd take it as her head start to run.

She didn't have time to think of shoes or proper attire, she just ran. She made her way through the long hall that led to the kitchen where she would find her exit plan. The man ran close behind, his long legs taking strides her shorter ones wished they could.

When she had slipped on a pair of flats and rushed out the kitchen door that led straight to the acres of her backyard, she had fallen into the chest of the enemy himself - Tommy Shelby.

He had just finished with a cigarette and did not at all seem phased. Her eyes traced along his face - the sunken cheekbones, the piercing blue irises, and the tensed expression he held. It was as if nothing ever effected him besides the fact that James Davies was nowhere to be found.

"Tommy.." She choked out as Arthur had wrapped his long arms around her waist and she screamed in response, kicking as much as she could and anywhere she could to get out of the male's grip.

"No one can hear you out here, Davies." Tommy murmured as Arthur moved to place a hand over her forehead for the girl to look into the eye of his leader.

"Please, please," she sobbed as Tommy gestured to his eldest brother to the vehicle they came in. She continued to sob and scream, her voice at times giving way from just how loud they were.

"Tommy, there's no fookin' way we're getting away with this with her sounding this way." The male holding her said as Tommy sighed and reached into the vehicle to grab a rag and place a liquid onto it.

June watched in absolute horror and no matter the amount kicking she had done, she couldn't get away as the other male held her head steady.

"Sleep tight, Miss Davies." He spoke before pressing the rag to her mouth and watching as the girl had gone completely limp.

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