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[03.] || "𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒚 𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔..."

𝙹une had awoken from a long slumber, one that left an ache in her body and her throat sore. She could feel the warmth of a soft bed encompassing her, a sheet pulled halfway up her torso.

It was all just a bad dream, she thought to herself.

She managed to move onto her side, her eyes slowly opening to reveal where she truly was.

She laid in a room, the walls filled with a dark wallpaper that was beginning to slowly chip away. The floor beneath her was covered with soot from the streets just outside and she could hear the sound of drunken men yelling from the streets. The sun was shining on her body and as she kicked the sheet from herself, she found the sight of her muddied legs and flats still on her feet.

Looking to the broken down nightstand beside her, a note laid upon it and she was hesitant to grab it. Would she reach for it and a bell would go off, signifying that she was awake or even alive at this point? But when quickly grabbing for the parchment, nothing happened. No bell, no immediate door being shoved open, nothing.

Shakily, she held the paper in her hands and read the scribbled writing on it.

Meet at the Shelby Home & Betting Shop.

Once again, she had to gulp. She technically had every right to run but where would she go? Back home? That seemed silly because they knew the area all too well. She wondered if Ruby and Tallon were okay or if those absolute imbeciles had done whatever they wanted to them. Those two were the only family she had left.

In the corner of the room, she had found a dress in it that was her own with a small bowl holding what she assumed was warm water to help her clean up best as she could. She slowly stood and made her way over the bowl, grabbing the rag and dipping it into bowl. It was on the brink of becoming ice cold so she did her best to remove the muddy marks on her body and focus on the rest later given the chance.

She grabbed the dress to remove her nightgown and robe to place on the dress. The material had been mishandled, the sight of wrinkles along the once tidied and soft fabric. She settled with her flats considering there wasn't any other option for her. She figured as long as she participated in their plans, she'd be freed with no issue.

It hadn't taken her long to ready herself but it did take her a moment to open the door that would reveal whatever was hidden behind it. She constantly found herself gulping although her mouth was so parched that her tongue felt practically dry. It even made her stomach lurch from the hunger that stirred within it.

She twisted the knob of the door to reveal a darkened hallway only lit by the rain clouded sky coming from the windows. Her eyes traced over the worn hardwood floor of the hall and the balcony had a few broken beams along the stairwell. She wondered how they carried her here as safely as they did. It must've been a feat.

She made her way down the stairs, practically tiptoeing through to avoid hurting herself or the stairs before finding the exit to open the door and be met with the busy streets of Small Heath.

People hustled around, families near with worn attire and exhaustion held on their faces. She held up her dress, careful not to let the dirt coat it although she had bigger problems to worry about.

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