New Members?!

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Third POV:
Everyone in the guild was ecstatic when they found out that Candy was awake. And, naturally, as the typical guild they are, they threw a party. A big one, and Candy ate every treat available, and drank every drink available. Except for the alcohol, Freed wouldn’t let her anywhere near it, he’s still slightly afraid something will happen to her and she’ll pass out and refuse to wake up for another three weeks. A sentiment that honestly warmed Candy’s heart. She’s happy to see the guild so happy, and having a good time with each other, considering the last time she saw them all, they were fighting each other. She spends some time with everyone throughout the night, speaking with them all and trying to connect with them more. She never wants another incident like what happened three weeks ago. She really misses Laxus though. The last time she spoke to him, she was telling him in every way other than words that he broke her heart with how he was behaving. She knows him well enough to know that he’s definitely feeling guilty now, but she can’t wallow over that now. She has faith that she’ll see him again.

Candy’s POV:
I got the chance to speak with everyone at the guild except for Erza, Gray, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy. Apparently they’re currently on a really important job mission, representing the guild in a coalition of guilds that gathered to take down the Oracion Seis, a dark guild that’s a part of the Barrum Alliance, which consists of three of the most powerful dark guilds in Fiore; The Oracion Seis, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros. The fact that they’re on that mission worries me, but if there’s one thing that I’ve learned about those five, it’s that they can handle themselves. The Thunder Legion and I decided to spend the next few days just chilling and hanging out around the guild hall, taking some time off. We have a lot of fun, and our time is spent laughing and goofing off and a lot of hugs. Evergreen, Rosie, and I are currently having a girls night at the local spa. We’re just sitting in the large, warm bath together, relaxing and talking. It’s just us there that night, considering it’s a wednesday night, not many people are free right now. We came here on this night for that reason precisely. As Rosie and Evergreen start to talk, I lay my head back on the concrete behind me and let my mind drift to my dream I had while in my coma. I start to think of that mysterious man, who looked threatened by me, and the sad man, wondering what he meant by the things he said. And then I suddenly remember the two boys. They made me feel safe somehow, but I usually don’t feel safe around strangers. Especially weird and mysterious ones who show up in my dreams suddenly. I’m brought out of my thoughts as I hear Evergreen say my name, “What do you think about that Candy?” I lift my head up and look at them, “Huh? About what?” Rosie looks annoyed at me while Evergreen looks amused. “You weren’t listening were you?” Rosie asks me. I shrug sheepishly, “No, sorry.” She gets angry, “Dangit Candy!! That’s the third time this week you’ve not heard an entire conversation worthy topic from me because you’re off in your own dream land!!” Evergreen nudges me and says, “I know this behavior. Candy, did you find a boy?” She asks teasingly, raising her eyebrow at me, with a devilish smirk on her face. I immediately blush, embarrassed by the question, “What?! No, I didn’t!! I haven’t even spoken to anyone I don’t know at all since I woke up!” They both look at me, not convinced. “Yeah right. You keep daydreaming. You keep looking dreamily off into the distance, AND you’ve been very absent minded ever since you woke up. Those are all symptoms of LOVESICKNESS!!!” Evergreen says the last bit with this cheesy smile on her face, and nudges me with her elbow. “Ugh! I’m telling you guys the truth. Honestly, it’s not what you think it is. I just…..had a weird dream when I was in my coma.” Their behavior shifts when I mention my coma, immediately interested, confused, and slightly concerned. I sigh as I look at them and explain, “When I was in my coma, I had this weird dream. At first, I was completely surrounded by darkness, unable to move or speak. But I wasn’t afraid, because I felt the presence of two people on either side of me. I couldn’t see them, but I knew they were there, and it brought me comfort. Eventually I was able to see them, and they were both boys that were my age. One of them had bleach blonde hair and dark blue eyes. The other had raven black hair and maroon eyes. They didn’t look at me, they didn’t talk to me, and they didn’t touch me. They just stood next to me, almost protectively, as a man approached us. He also had black hair, but he had black eyes. He had these black, white, and golden robes on, and he just looked like a sad man. When he got close to me, he knelt down, and said, ‘So you’re the Beast that was Promised? Maybe you and my brother will be able to kill me. But before that you should worry about the man behind you.’ When I turned around, there was another man behind me. He was a bit farther away, his back was turned to me. He had dark skin, long, spiky blue hair, and blue markings on his arms and legs. He just looked threatened by my presence when he looked at me. Then the sad man told the boys next to me that if we ever meet in life, then they had to protect me from the threatened man. Then it changed to a field.” Evergreen stops me, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. This ‘sad man’. Did he seem like he might have been kind but extremely powerful?” She asked me. I thought for a moment. Did he? I don’t know. I never thought about that. But I could picture him being powerful, “Yeah I guess. Why?” She looks concerned at me, “I’m not certain, but the description you gave us, sounds a lot like the description of the Black Wizard, Zeref.” She says. The Black Wizard, Zeref? I’ve heard stories that he’s a dangerous man who killed everywhere he went. He was a heartless monster, who created the Demons from the Book of Zeref. That doesn’t sound like the man from my dream. The man from my dream just looked like he was in pain, and hoped someone would end his suffering. Maybe that’s what he meant when he said I could kill him. I don’t know though. I don’t think I could ever kill someone. I look up at Evergreen in consideration, “Honestly I don’t know who any of them were. But, the boys that were my age looked familiar somehow. They also made me feel safe for some reason, and I don’t usually feel safe around people I don’t know.” They both nodded and then Rosie spoke up, “Well, maybe you knew them when you were way younger, but you don’t remember.” I nod at her, “It’s possible.” Evergreen suddenly has a smug smile on her face, “So I was technically right, you have a crush. On those boys!!” She points an accusatory finger at me in a joking manner. “What?! No I don’t!! They never even spoke to me! Also that’s not even a thing, liking two people at once!” She gives me a warm smile and says, “Yes it is. It’s not very common but there’s nothing wrong with it. Some people just like to date multiple people at once. As long as you find men worthy of your heart, I’ll be fine with it.” She says comfortingly. I smile at her, now intrigued by this sentiment. I’ve never thought about what it would be like to date more than one person at the same time. It sounds like some kind of adventure or something, the thrill of something new. As I lay my head back on the concrete behind me, I think back to those boys from my dream. Yeah, I guess they were kind of cute. I wonder if I’ll ever get to meet them.

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